


4 years, 1 day ago


General Info -

Name : Primrose [Prim]
Reason for name : For her beautiful coat/her mother's love of primroses
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Bi
Current Rank : Subordinate
Age : 21 (in moons)
Personality : Very calm and sweet, cares deeply for others, can be shy and distant at times tho
Alignment : Lawful Neutral

Relationship Info -

Mother : Shiver
Father : Barkfoot
Siblings : None
Mate/s : None, wants one
Pups : None, wants some
Friends : N/A
Guide: N/A
Shadow(s): N/A
Other Relatives :

Character Info -

Pelt color(s) : Cream, grey, white
Scent: Roses
Fur Length : Medium-Short
Eye Color(s) : Blue
Breed(s) : Wolf/Husky/Mix
Body type : Small-Average
Height : Average
Size : Average
Link to other reference : Primrose

Backstory : (kind of a WIP/may change)
 Prim had your average life growing up. Both her parents were loving and hard working in the pack. It wasn't until one day that her mother died in a fight with a large wild animal (probably a bear idk). Prim was a Shadow at the time, and this left her quite devastated. She reminds herself everyday how amazing and supportive her mother was. Prim takes after her mother a lot, being very caring and making friends easily.