Millie Bergensten



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Emille "Millie" Bergensten










If you aren’t a teacher or her parents, you refer to Emille Bergensten as Millie, and even that’s only because she’s not allowed to talk back to them. Not that a lot of people talk to her, and not that Millie cares about that. The loners and “weird kids” stick together, she guesses, and that’s why she gets on so well with her best (and only) friend Viola. Vi’s a sweet girl, but  she can get her head stuck in the clouds sometimes, and Millie doesn’t mind pulling her back to the ground when she needs it. There are more clouds she should really clear- how does she expect to be some legendary heroine and beat up all the bad guys when she can’t even beat Millie at Smash even when she’s trying to let her win?- but she’s a voice of reason, not another one of her bullies. There need to be more nice people in the world, and Millie’s content to let Vi stay one.

Millie doesn’t think she’ll be much in life- she’s not especially pretty, or smart, and as far as she knows she doesn’t have any sort of Harmony. She doesn’t mind, really. Standing out too much would only get her her ass kicked, especially with all this about the Snatcher, or whatever. Personally she’s always thought it’s at least a bit of hysteria, or copycat attacks, but she isn’t going to say that to Vi’s face after what happened last month. She’s got boundaries.

Sometimes Millie wonders if she does have a Harmony, and it’s so subtle she’s never noticed it, or she hasn’t found it’s sound. Then she decides she has better things to do than thinking, and does those things instead.