Artemis Ulvunge



3 years, 11 months ago



True Name: The Little Moon Bound by Heart
Given Name: Luna

Born in the forests of Findias to a large wolf pack Luna was horrendously abused by her pack rejected for her size. This eventually lead her to leave her pack realizing the will never love her and she doesn’t belong there. With a mentor who taught her about medicine and healing she travels to Murias spending her time learning what she can. After a time she felt lonely leading her to leave Tir na Nog.


Name: Artimis Ulvunge

Artimis is a single child but has a larger family. She was had decently normal childhood and eventually goes to college for cellular biology leading to her work on a yearlong study in Brazil. A summer with habitat with humanity inspires her to go back to school for engineering.

The Fatebound

Artimis and Luna met at the college having been drawn to each other.

FULL Backstory


Born in Findias to a large wolf pack. She was born the smallest of her pack. She was severely abused and left to die many times due to wounds, starvation, weather conditions, and other abuse related deaths. She was an outcast often used to show dominance and killing prowace, with many of the youngers using her as an easy first target in learning to fight. The pack did not see her as honorable because she was not strong and could not use physical might to prove herself in battle. Many of the older pack members and those closer to her age often mocked, maimed, attacked, and killed her out a cruel dislike of her and her weak status in the pack. She still wanted to belong and to be loved and appreciated. At a young age she began to learn to craft from the forges and craft masters in town. Crafting made her happy and she hoped it would make her useful to her pack, Later she decides to learn healing from a mentor in town so she could help heal her pack members. At 301 her medical mentor offers to take her to Murias to learn more. She internally struggles with this for weeks. Struggling to decide on whether she should stay with her pack or go to Murias. She final makes her decision when she realizes as she dies from attack wounds from many of her pack members that they will never love her, never see her as honorable, or beautiful. With this she realizes that she doesn’t belong with her pack anymore and as much as it hurts her she couldn’t stay with them for any longer.  She goes to Murias with her mentor and they split ways after a short while. She gets a home more on the edge of the city and spends her time living, for the most part, a quiet life educating herself on various subjects. Over time she begins to feel lonely desiring the pack connections she never really had but always wanted and decides Tir na Nog is not the place to do it. Hoping to be able to make better connections and get away from the war she goes to earth.

Human Born in Boston her parents were decently well off. Her Father is a Greek literature professor, hence her name, and her mother is a nurse. She grew up in a mostly American culture, but her parents come from collectivistic cultural roots so in her household was good for the whole community was more important than what was good for an individual. This leads her to want to make the world a better place for all. In high school she worked as an EMT leading to eventually teach others. She went to college at Dartmouth for Molecular Biology wanting to work in dieses or even go to medical school. When she graduated she took an opportunity to work on a yearlong study on the Zika virus in Brazil. While there she met people from habitat for humanity and once the study was over she decided to spend the summer building homes with habitat for humanity. This lead to her realizing she enjoyed building things and working with her hand. She decided to go back to school for engineering at Boston University. To make money and be able to live independently she teaches first aid and CPR with her parents sending her a little money to help support her.


Artimis has now moved to an apartment in Chatham . She adopted one of the dogs that were rescued from the fighting ring and named her Lupa. This dog is a medium sized scruffy black mutt resembling the grim from Harry Potter with scars from her time in the fighting ring. Lupa is often seen with Artimis wherever she goes. Over this time the scars from her fae form have started to show up on her human form as pale marks of skin. She has started to learn to use a gun from Silvermist and then Decker.