
3 years, 11 months ago


Beginning Notes:

My DnD character

Currently in use (but campaign has been put on hold due to Corona.)

My first DND character and campaign. I know they usually look more Goblin than Monkey but I couldn’t resist 👀.

Name: Nort
Species: Goblin Monkey
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 6

(Depictions of how others perceive the character.)
- Aggressive, Dirty, Feral, Wild, Stupid, Loud, Disruptive, No Class, Animal, No tact, impulsive, alcoholic.

(Depictions of the characters inner thoughts and attributes not always visitable to others.)
- strong family connections, distrustful, unbothered by dirt/gross things, prideful, impulsive, loud, dirty, alcoholic, tactful when he wants to be.

DnD Universe. (I don‘t have the world notes from my DM so I’ll have to put it in later.

Liet Eckhart (irl friends character. Part of the party.)

Rat (irl friends character. Part of the party.)

More About:
- Nort is a ranger and his main weapon is a crossbow.

- Nort is an outwardly selfish person but has strong morals when it comes to friends and family. Due to the murder of his brother who’s beliefs followed the lines of a good heroic person “Those who can’t help themselves should not be left alone to be taken advantage of by those who can,” This heroic thinking got his brother killed trying to save others (and he failed to do so in the end,) but Nort can’t help but follow in his brothers way of acting due to his regrets.

- Nort is not a noble hero despite his actions to insitantly save others. He doesn’t much care for others well being & he does indeed believe that “the weak die because they are weak.”

- Nort feels bitter toward his brother for dieing trying to save others and failing in the end anyway. “One shouldn’t shoot farther than their strength allows them, or else they just get killed.” He spits bitterly with an ugly snarl And curled lips.

- Nort went off the rails for a few years after his brothers death. He had no family and for a long time no purpose. He lived day by day, and most of those days were spent drunk and half dead.

- Nort & his brother were not actually blood related, their mother’s were close and they were raised together.

- Nort likes alcoho. He also finds ‘sweet’ Alcohol stupid and gross.

- He doesn’t much understand upper or even middle class life & is uncomfortable partaking in things that come with it (like paintings, sculptures, fancy food and pastries. But he loves icing and cake.)

- He’s impulsive when he’s high on adrenalin and prefers to always have a higher vantage point. He hates always being trampled over by people taller than him.

- He insists on pulling his own weight and not receiving help. He gets wildly angry if he’s assisted too much because it a blow to his pride and nudges his inner hate for being ‘weak.’

- He wishes he had more tact when talking to others but also makes no move to get better at doing so. His pride prevents him from admitting it and he excuses the behavior as ‘just being his goblin self, can’t fault him for not giving in and speaking like the pompous ‘higher class’’