Lucille Gateau



3 years, 11 months ago



Nickname Lucy
D.o.B May 13th
Species Domestic Feline
Location Outsider
Sex Female
Pronouns she / her
Sexuality Bisexual ( Male-Leaning )
Theme Song link


  • polite: Lucille has mastered the art of masking her feelings behind an entirely friendly facade.
  • skeptical: She's cautious, which leads her to often being the first to point out the flaws in a plan or idea.
  • haggard: Her boss exhausts her, so she's often weary and sighing.
  • efficient: Extremely calculating, she's sure to find the most organized solution to a given problem.


  • straight lines
  • organization
  • tea of all kinds, but especially with cream and sugar
  • her days off
  • shopping


  • when her boss changes plans without warning ( which happens a lot )
  • when Sean eggs their boss on ( which also happens a lot )
  • black coffee
  • being forced to take control of a given situation


Edgar Veil's personal assistant, not to be confused with his secretary. She has no real combat skills, but she knows some basic healing magic.


  • She has more of a spine than most people expect, given her demeanor. Where most expect a pushover, Lucille proves to have a great deal of steely grit.
  • Lucille's penchant for realism puts her at direct odds with her boss, Edgar Veil. Most might think that would make working with him a chore ( and it is-- for different reasons ) but it's actually the reason he hired her. Lucille's logic acts as a foil to his whimsy and often provides great insight where he's overlooked something.
  • For as much as he wears her out, Lucille cares a great deal about Edgar.



Edgar Veil [ friend ]

Employer first, friend second. Which you'd think would make her life easier, but no, she just has to care about this dream-chasing fool or whatever.


Sean Affogato [ friend ]

Before Sean, talking some sense into Edgar was, occasionally, possible. It isn't anymore. Every day Lucille suffers because of this man. He's the older brother she never wanted.

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