Heihachi Amaya



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


$20 plus 100 AC

Additional Art

2 (too big for TH)


      General Information      

Family Name


Name Meaning

Heahachi translates roughly to "eight army."

First Name


Name Meaning

Amaya uses the kanji that translate to "night rain."




Cisgender Female



Date of Birth

July 5

Place of Birth

Amaya was born in the small fishing village Ine in the Kyoto prefecture.




Amaya  works part-time as a model,  mostly for a tropical-themed active and  swimwear brand.  She is also a second-year high school student and is a  video game streamer in her free time.


U.A. High School Hero Course



    Voice and Speaking Behavior    


Amaya  is fluent in Japanese as well as English,  having taught herself the  language so she could play American-made Indie games before they get  translations.

Voice Volume

Amaya  typically speaks in a a voice that is a bit on the quieter side,   though not so quiet that people have to strain to hear her.

Manner of Speaking

Amaya's  speech pattern is typically upbeat,  with her frequently speaking in  almost a singsong voice.  This is especially true while she is working,   be it talking to a civilian while on patrol or taunting someone who got  pissed at her for winning on her stream.  As such,  she is typically  described as speaking in a playful way. However,  when angered,  she  instead a soft, sickly sweet voice that somehow has an edge of threat to  it, often giving people the feeling that they're being threatened by a  creepy doll.


An  ambivert who leans towards more extroverted tendencies,  Amaya's  behavior is largely dictated the situation as well as her own mood at  the time.  However,  compared to most ambiverts,  the situations she  feels comfortable in versus the ones she doesn't are perhaps a bit odd.

Given  that Amaya flourishes most in situations in which she is in contact  with the public,  it makes sense that her public image is largely one  that is cheerful and oftenwise jokingly teasing.  Compliments seem to  get her to smile bigger,  and it isn't uncommon for her to go out of her  way to receive them or otherwise interact with anyone that she knows to  be a fan.  This does,  however,  make her a tad difficult to manage,   as she will sometimes disappear from a photoshoot only to be found  playing a mobile app with a kid or taking a  photo with a fan. This,  thankfully, has been advertised by her company as her being "beautiful  and quirky"; as such,  she is largely able to do whatever and takes  advantage of this fact to seek out any kind of fun she can.

While  Amaya does well when she knows she'll receive praise or positive  attention,  the opposite is also true. She often flounders when given  criticism; her skills become slightly worse due to her hyperfixating on  her imperfection,  and while she usually manages to distract herself via  people or games at the moment,  it always catches up to her later once  she's alone. While she isn't one to cry,  pain seems to manifest as  anger and a general irritation about other people.  As such,  an Amaya  who is in a bad mood is typically withdrawn from others,  yet quite  snappy if provoked.

This latter depiction of  Amaya is most commonly seen at school,  as she is the most introverted  there.  Already dealing with the public as a streamer and model,  Amaya  often has days where she feels like school is almost a "break" from the  criticism of others and thus would rather just keep to herself,  either  stewing in whatever criticism most recently upset her or overanalyzing  every bad part of society and if she can fix it. If interrupted from  this,  she is prone to be in an even worse mood and while this typically  just means a threatening voice,  she is famous for once throwing a boy  across the room as revenge for a joke in poor taste involving her  tentacles.


   Video Games





  Jokes about her tentacles

  Judgmental people

  Long wait times in game lobbies


Amaya  has an extreme fear of water,  refusing to submerge her head under it  or interact with any water that goes higher than her waist.  And even  that much is a struggle,  much to her modeling and hero career's  detriment.

      Physical Appearance      

Hair Color

Amaya  doesn't have the usual hair.  Rather,  she has tentacles-2 that don't  move and function as  bangs, and 8 that move. There are all usually an  orangish-brown color.

Hair Length

Amaya's tentacles fall to around her knees,  with her two bang-like tentacles falling just past her chin.

Hair Style

Amaya leaves her "hair" down at all times, with the bangs framing both sides of her face.

Eye Color



Amaya has her ears pierced,  but typically only wears earrings during photo shoots.


170 cm (5'7")


54.4 kg (120 lbs)

Body Type

Amaya  has a body that is well-suited for her career.  Not only is she taller  than average and has a pretty face,  she also is very slightly curvy and  reasonably well-endowed.  Furthermore,  being a mesomorph,  she  typically isn't bothered by weight-gain so long as she maintains her  training,  and is able to gain muscle with relative ease.


School Uniform

Amaya  wears the standard UA uniform if a white button up and red tie under  the grey and green blazer and green skirt.  She also wears white knee  high socks and the typical brown loafers.

Casual Outfit

For  casual wear,  Amaya can typically be seen wearing a light blue cropped  sweater, a pair of black cargo-style leggings,  and black sneakers with  blue laces.  She frequently has a pair of headphones around her neck.

Summer Hero Costume

In  the spring and summer,  Amaya wears a completely waterproof outfit.   The focus of this is a bodysuit very reminiscent of a one-piece  swimsuit, which is navy blue in color and has a gold hexagonal ring  spanning the torso.

Under this bodysuit is  another one made of fishnet,  which reaches to the elbows and right  mid-thigh,  where it is ends in dark blue arm and leg bands.  These  bands are connected to gold tubing on the outside of a high blue collar,  designed to hide a neck brace, via small tubing sewn to the underside  of the fishnet.  This mechanism allows Amaya to pop the gold tubing  upwards, and spit into it similar to a straw to load syringes on her  bands with paralyzing venom. The inner pocket of her leg band, sealed  with a gold zipper, holds anti-venoms,  so she can reverse the effects  of the injections.

In terms of other  accessories,  Amaya is fairly minimalistic.  She has puffy, almost  oval-shaped blue bands on her wrists,  which have gold zippers on them,  to hold the usual medical supplies.  Her shoes are athletic aqua-socks,  which are blue in color with gold soles.

Winter Hero Costume

Amaya's  winter costume is quite similar to her summer one,  as she keeps much  of the same equipment.  The blue bodysuit, collar, shoes,  and  wristbands remain unchanged.  However,  the fishnet underneath has been  altered to end as a tank top,  giving her blue,  elbow-length sleeves  ending in the arm bands. The tubing system below this is identical to  her summer costume's version.

The other  changes to her costume are simple additions with no support features.   To help protect her from the cold,  Amaya added a knee length white sock  to her right leg,  and a thigh-high to her left.  Both of these are  white in color to aid in blending in with snow,  but have thin gold  lines going down the sides and around the top.  Finally,  Amaya added a  simple pair of blue,  fingerless gloves to help her maintain her grip on  her syringes in the cold.

      Hero Details      

Hero Name


Name Meaning: Octolings are a species in the Splatoon video game series that Amaya plays frequently.

Quirk: Octohead

Amaya's  head unit (her head and hair) can do anything an octopus can do. Her  tentacles are capable of changing colors and camouflaging, sensing  surroundings, as well as lifting up to 100 pounds each! She can also  breathe underwater via the gills found... Somewhere in all those  tentacles,  and can spit ink and paralyzing venoms of various strengths  from her mouth.

However,  while Amaya can  generally live a pretty normal life out of water,  her tentacles can  start to dry out if her environment is too hot and/or dry. They can also  be cut off, and would take 2 to 4 months to regrow. Furthermore,  she  is prone to neck pain and injuries if she lifts too much with her  tentacles without proper support.

Fighting Style

Amaya  has found that she is most comfortable defeating villains via stealth  or counterattacks,  as it typically has less risk of injury. She will  usually either camouflage with her surroundings,  drop from above after  scaling a wall,  or spit ink in the opponent's face to get a better  opening to inject them with venom or subdue them with her tentacles.

However,   she also is a formidable opponent in close quarters combat,  employing  judo techniques to throw opponents with her tentacles to subdue them,  and knife techniques to fight with her syringes.


Ink Storm

Amaya  spits a volley of ink in various directions and patterns.  This can be  used to blind opponents in combat, but is better known to the public as  Octoling's way of creating markings to signal to allies about dangers or  infiltration routes,  or to direct civilian evacuations so she can put  her full attention on protection.


Amaya  is capable of curling up small enough to obscure most if not all of her  body by her tentacles,  which she can change the color of to blend in  with her surroundings.


Amaya captures up to four opponents at once by wrapping them in her tentacles.


Amaya  unleashes a flurry of punches via both fists and all eight of her  tenracles to overwhelm the opponent.  A modified version of this can  also be used with her syringes to sedate the opponent.


Strength 6/10

Amaya  has strength to lift several people at once,  making her above average  in terms of strength.  Compared to most superstrength Quirks, however,   she isn't exactly anything special.

Speed 5/10

Amaya's speed is around that of an average human, as her Quirk gives her no real speed advantage.

Stamina 7/10

Given  the amount of time she stands during modeling,  and how much she moves  around during training,  Amaya has an above average amount of stamina,   though she tires faster in combat than during her stealth or counteract  techniques.

Teamwork 8/10

Many  of Amaya's typical techniques work very well in a team, and she will  even sometimes use Ink Storm to create signals for teammates to help  facilitate such teamwork.  However,  because of this,  she generally  expects for her words or plans to be heeded,  and thus doesn't work too  well with people who are equally headstrong,  or those too stupid to  follow her plans.

Intelligence 9/10

Having  inherited an octopus neural wiring capacity, said to be 3 times that of  a normal human,  Amaya is incredibly smart,  but still behind Nezu.

Strategy 9/10

Amaya  is incredibly smart and observant, and has years of experience  strategizing while gaming.   As such,  she capable of figuring out valid  strategies very quickly and generally can think on her feet.




Name: Heahachi Miho

Name Meaning: Miho is written with the kanji for "beautiful" and "protect"

Status: Alive

Quirk: Hair Sting

Her hair can give off a very small sting on contact that leaves no lasting effects.

Relationship:  Miho and Amaya have next to no relationship due to Miho essentially  rejecting Amaya for her "disgusting" Quirk that can't be hidden.  While  Amaya doesn't necessarily hate her mother,  she does think that she's  better off away from the toxicity and negative comments she received as a  child.


Name: Heahachi Heahachi

Status: Alive

Quirk: Inky Eyes

His tears can be used as ink.

Relationship:  Heahachi works as a fisherman and thus doesn't spend much time with  Amaya. However,  while he also isn't fond of her Quirk,  he has at least  tried a few times to let Amaya have a less miserable life. While the  two aren't close and he doesn't always agree with what Amaya wants to  do,  Amaya favors him over her mother.


In  the small fishing town of Ine, Kyoto,  discrimination against  heteromorphs and other people with appearance-altering Quirks was  rampant. With very minor Quirks that could easily be hidden, Miho and  Heahachi largely bought in the discriminatory mindset of their  upbringing.  In fact,  they were known as a power couple, the one "least  likely to have a disgusting,  Quirked child." As luck would have it,  whatever genetics used to determine that were severely wrong.

Amaya  was born with a strange Quirk that seemed to take her parents' into  account in the strangest way: she had octopus tentacles instead of hair,   and was assumed capable of producing ink and paralyzing venom. Neither  parent was happy with this result; Heahachi was more confused and  concerned for the future,  while his wife was outright disgusted. She  didn't outright disown the child,  but nurses found she wanted as little  to do with her as possible,  a trend that continued even after the  family returned home.

Amaya's early years  were relatively uneventful,  though certainly not ideal. With Heahachi  constantly working as a fisherman,  Miho was the one who was usually  home with Amaya and thus had final say in her treatment.  As such,  the  girl was changed as needed to "keep her quiet" and fed formula,  as Miho  refused to sustain the girl on breast milk.  Otherwise,  she was left  in a crib with a tablet playing random kids videos and shows to keep her  entertained whenever she wasn't sleeping.  Later,  once she outgrew the  crib and bottle, she was left largely alone to play games on her tablet  or to wander around the house,  her mother not caring what dangers she  may face from a house that wasn't childproof and reasoning to Heahachi  that "it's not like she'll remember it later."

While  Miho may have been right about the earlier incidents,  Amaya definitely  would remember the ones during her school years. With her mother not  wanting her seen in public due to her "disgusting" Quirk,  Amaya didn't  attend school until age 6,  when she was legally required to.  And,   going to school in a small town, most of her classmates seemed to have  the same opinion of her as her mother did: that her Quirk was weird and  disgusting.  Needless to say,  Amaya was relentlessly bullied and didn't  have any friends; rather,  she'd come straight home after school,  do  whatever homework she had (which always seemed to be more than her  peers),  and immediately go to play video games until dinner,  when  Heahachi always insisted on eating with her and asking how her day was.   Her answers were always pitiful,  making it on how bad school was, and  though he didn't do much to stop the treatment itself,  Heahachi at  least looked into a better option for middle school.

Heahachi's  solution was to send Amaya to a segregated middle school,  in which  they put all the heteromorphs and people with "weird Quirks" in one  class to "make them more comfortable." It was a significantly farther  walk than the middle school she would have otherwise went to, but there,   she was able to make her first friend,  a girl with an electric eel  Quirk yet fairly normal appearance named Nibiri Unagi. They usually  didn't do much besides talk,  but when they learned they both lived in  the same direction,  the two began walking home together,  oftentimes  going to Amaya's house to study,  as Miho refused to allow the girl to  go anywhere after school besides straight home,  a means of trying to  keep Amaya's "shameful" Quirk from being seen as much as possible.

Unfortunately,   there was one day towards the end of Amaya's first year of middle  school in which this wasn't possible.  Unagi and her were walking home  near one of the many docks they passed daily,  only to be confronted by a  tidal wave,  controlled by a a third year student from their school.  There was no real reason given,  beyond a taunt that "sea creatures  should go back to the sea," followed by more ridiculously large waves to  force the two girls under the water.  Amaya found that she could  breathe fine,  though Unagi couldn't,  and,  unwilling to let her drown,   Amaya stayed to try to help her. Both of them struggled against the  water for longer than Amaya thought was even possible.  How they finally  got out of it? Unagi's exhaustion caught up with her to the point that  she could no longer stay afloat.  Amaya,  out of sheer desperation,   managed to grab her with her tentacles and used the last of her own  energy to hurl the girl as far out of the water as she could,  which  turned out to be just far enough for Unagi to hit the dock and scare the  heck out of their attacker,  who then ran off.

Amaya  woke up some time later in her own bed,  to the sound of yelling  outside,  a rather large welt on her head and all her tentacles  screaming in pain.  Needless to say,  she was quite confused.  As it  turned out,  Unagi had broken her arm landing on the dock and, as a  result,  townsfolk were angry about the "dangerous octopus demon-child."  Witnesses had completely ignored the water Quirk attacker,  and Unagi's  own statements,  to instead come after Amaya.  And,  to top it all off,   her mother was furious at her for not only "shaming the family" but  also "being out past your curfew" and "allowing some gross eel man to  bring you home."

While Unagi and Amaya's  friendship remained unchanged,  life otherwise became much harder for  Amaya.  Where before people may just ignore her on her way to and from  school,  they now jeered.  And when she stopped reacting to that,  they  threw newspapers.  Then fishing equipment.  Then,  when a particularly  nasty citizen noticed the way Amaya tried to avoid the ocean or other  water sources on her way home,  suddenly people were pouring out or  dropping water buckets from the second story window and "accidentally"  hitting her.  Every. Single. Day.  By the time summer hit,  Amaya was  trying to convince her parents to let her just do online school.  But  while Heahachi did look into it,  the costs of the classes plus  upgrading to a better Internet provider were more than he could  comfortably afford at the time. As such,  Amaya found herself playing  video games all summer,  and dreading the following semester.

The  next school year started exactly as Amaya thought it would.  Water  poured on or near her daily,  arriving to school in a wet uniform,  and  people outside of her class mocking her on her way to her classroom. She  was glad her own class was understanding, or at least in a similar boat  as her,  but she still wished it was possible for her to live without  the constant harassment.  As it turned out,  that opportunity presented  itself on her way home one day.

Amaya was  quite used to things being thrown,  jeers being shouted,  and lots of  water entering her general proximity.  She wasn't,  however,  accustomed  to,  if the cheap straw hat was any indication,  a tourist chasing her  down while yelling something about her being "perfect." Somewhat  concerned, Amaya opted to just run the rest of the way home.  She wasn't  expecting the man to promptly knock on the door and beg her mother to  let him talk to "the pretty tentacle girl that came in here." At that  point,  both Miho and Amaya were too baffled to say no.

It  turned out the man was,  in fact,  on vacation and had very much  boarded the wrong bus that morning. More importantly,  he worked for a  tropical-themed clothing brand and wanted Amaya to become their new  model.  Amaya wasn't so sure but the man just kept gushing about her  figure and face and "how perfect" her Quirk fit with the brand theme. So  much so that Amaya realized that he must actually be serious about not  finding her scary or gross.  It was the first time she had heard that  from anyone who didn't also have a mutant Quirk,  and that got her  thinking that maybe there was somewhere in the world where her  appearance was liked,  or at least considered normal.

Her  parents weren't exactly supportive of her decision.  Miho kept made  comments about her just being asked for "diversity" and how "they'll  realize you're no good after one shoot." Meanwhile,  Heahachi just  didn't understand why his daughter would want to go try to become a  model in Tokyo when she could barely even show her face in her own  hometown. Amaya was not discouraged,  however, and decided to take the  plunge.  She said goodbye to Unagi, promising to write, and used the  money from her contract signing to get herself a small,  rundown  apartment just a few minutes from her new school.

Besides  getting lost a lot at the start, adapting to Tokyo wasn't that hard.   No one threw things at her, she didn't have to go out of her way to  avoid water,  and she wasn't even bullied at school. Modeling went  surprisingly well,  and she found it to be enjoyable and just lucrative  enough to pay for her apartment and Internet, which she found was much  better than it had been in her hometown.  So much so that,  just for  fun,  she set up a gaming stream.  And as the next year and a half  passed by,  she found that she was rather enjoying her life and the  attention she was getting,  but wanted more opportunities to enjoy it.   And so, when Unagi mentioned thinking of becoming a hero,  Amaya decided  the resulting fame would be a great idea,  and decided that she would  apply to the local U.A.  Hero Course.