


3 years, 10 months ago



orderly . charismatic . clever
Name Goes by 'Anton'
Age Hundreds of years
Species Faux-unicorn
Gender Androgynous
Pronouns he/him/his
Sexuality Unknown
Every day - is a blessing-
As I walk - through the mud

{ Below is unrefined and rough for the purposes of expressing the core ideas of his character! Pardon this. }

Anton began as, effectively, a nobody – a highly intelligent but otherwise unremarkable person that grew to resent that he could never be ‘more’ – he had an all consuming desire to grow and improve in any ways he could, and carve out recognition for himself.
Anton desperately wanted, at first, to be loved, and, more importantly, needed by others.

Long ago in a fit of desperation he killed a unicorn for its horn, grafting it onto himself in a painful and lengthy process.
{A unicorn in this story is an exceedingly rare beast with the power to heal wounds.}

As a result of the unholy act of murdering and appropriating the powers of the unicorn, his powers were quickly warped: not into healing, but preservation - he gained the ability to raise the dead and, seemingly, create life where none before lay.

He outcast himself from society for many years to learn to cope with + master these new powers over death, and slowly became well-known in underground/taboo circles as somebody that could return loved ones from the dead — something that has never before occurred. He made an obscene amount of money from this, though he had to be discerning with who he allowed the gift of a second chance. He has a very ‘survival of the fittest’ mindset and loose morals at this point, dealing with some of the worst members of humanity, as long as they have something to give him in return.

  1. Sweet coffee
  2. Old jewelry
  3. The smell of fresh earth
  4. Taxidermy, museums
  5. Non-fiction books
  1. Sleeping
  2. Ineptitude
  3. Hot weather, heat
  4. Mirrors
  5. Grime
  1. He is around six feet tall and curvy in build.
  2. His handwriting is embellished and loopy, beautiful but not easily readable.
  3. He is always put-together and very organized + refined in mannerism. He often stands with arms folded neatly behind his back and hates being seen in any state of dishevelment.
  4. He gestures a lot with his hand when he speaks.