Destiny the Dragon



3 years, 11 months ago


Basic InfO
Name Dedtiny the Dragon
Nickname Destiny
Age 15 year
Birthday  April 27, 2005
Height 6'5
Gender Female  
Species Animatronic
OriginPrincess Pizza Palace
Ethnicity Dragon
Blood Type Wires
Orientation Ace/Aro
Occupation Ticket Collecter
Status Robot
Worth 40k
  • Nights Alone
  • Being Turned Off
  • Whens She's Clean
  • Having All the Tickets Removed from Her Arm
  • Young Children and Angsty Teens
  • Candy and Pizza/Messy Foods
  • The Girl in Red (Indigo)
  • The Parts and Service Room
  • Her original name was Destiny the Magic Dragon
  • At one point she was programmed to do janitorial duties, after the janitors quite due to an 'incident'
  • She doesn't have the leg strength to walk up stairs, so when kids try to get her into the ball pit she falls face first into it
  • One family tried to have her torn apart for falling on their kid, but since the kid broke a rule she got to stay together
  • During her scheduled cleanings, she has been slowly being filled with 'Agony'
  • Her arms tense up and she shakes when counting tickets, it makes some parents alarmed
  • She is not the only ticket counter in Pizza Palace, just the one kids prefer and the one parents hate

  Cheerful . Slow . Vengeful . Sadistic

With children Destiny acts as she is programmed to, empathetic, cheerful, and kind. She will sing kids little congratulatory songs and follow them to where they want to take her. However as soon as the lights are off she wanders the facility looking for The Girl in Red to take out her frustrations on. Sadly the Pizza Palace uniform is red, so often she mistakes the night guard for The Girl in Red. But when she does see her, the building fills with animatronic grunts and robotic giggling.


Built a year after Princess Pizza Palace opened its doors, Destiny served as a more personal form of ticket collection. Mr. Randolf noticed that the children liked when others were proud of them for the amount of tickets they had managed to collect and saw this as an opportunity to give life to a new animatronic friend. Originally she was planned to sing onstage with The Prince but Randolf though her role in the arcade would be more appreciated.

Destiny the Dragon now spends most of her day in the front half of the building, wandering the arcade, collecting childrens tickets and giving them praise as they take their receipt. The smile on their faces does nothing for her as she has a distaste for children. Often she has candy stuck to her suit which is rarely not sticky, sometimes kids will pull on her fingers or rub their pizza grease on her. All of this has caused her suit to smell, and by the rules of Pizza Palace, an animatronic cannot preform if their suit is unruly. This means she spends one day a month in the backroom being 'cleaned' by The Girl in Red, truly any animatronics worst nightmare.

Dazzler the UnicornCo-Star

Dazzler was built in the same year as Destiny and the two of them would preform a song together in honor of the Princess. The used to sing on stage together before Destiny was moved to the arcade.

The Princess"Boss"

The Princess acts as the head animatronic, since she is the face of the company. Over time she morphed from being a damsel in distress to an angry and vengeful animatronic, who was hostile towards everyone.


Otherwise known as Indigo, The Girl in Red preforms maintenance on Destiny, and that maintenance usually involves having some of her parts removed and replaced with more sinister ones. Destiny is Indigo's flying test subject.