


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Maxwell

Age: 26

Birthday: September 24th (Libra)

Gender: Nonbinary (he/him)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Country of origin unknown (Latino)

Class: Bard

Affinity: Fire

An enigmatic bard in service of the Gnarrish crown. He's a talented musician who writes all his own material; he can play many instruments, including the guitar and lyre, but his instrument of choice is the zampoƱa. He is a light-hearted man who is passionate about his work, and jokes about priding himself on how mysterious he is. He always seems to have something witty to say and loves to lend a helping hand, despite being a bit frail, although his dodging reflexes are something to behold. He often appears to have his eyes closed, but when he opens them he has star pupils.

His past is a complete mystery, all that anyone knows is that his family is out of the picture, perhaps due to having died or having become estranged. Before he came to work in Gnarr, he once traveled the entire country as a boy, playing music for the destitute and less fortunate. He now plays his music for the nobility of Gnarr, paid with a comfortable wage, although he occasionally still finds time to visit the needy at local towns and the like to brighten people's moods. He is well loved by King Francisco I, who happened upon him when Maxwell was about 17 or so, after the boy had been hurt during a run-in with some brigands. The king took him in as something of a guardian, although paying him ample gold to play his music and allowing him to come and go as he pleased.

Maxwell initially though Carmine was a bit of a spoiled brat, but grew to feel sympathy for his troubled past and tried his best to be polite and friendly to him, although the prince was initially quite closed-off and not very receptive emotionally to his concern. Eventually, though, they do become somewhat close friends..

During the course of the story, Maxwell eventually joins Carmine's cause as the bard, though he doesn't join until a while into it.