
3 years, 11 months ago



Brave. Adventurous. Challenging.

  • Name Jasmine Rose
  • Alias Jazz, Jazzie
  • Age 15
  • Occupation Rebellious Teenager
  • Gender Female
  • Orientation Bisexual
  • Theme

Jazz is a very energetic hedgehog, who absolutely loves exploring and getting into crazy situations. This is thanks to influences like her parents and Sonic. She also can be a very determined and persistant individual, who is willing to go the extra mile to get what she wants to achieve. Of course this gets her into some strange situations, but life isn't fun without a thrill once in awhile.

  • Adrenline
  • Her parents

  • Treated like a child.
  • Having her robot arm pointed out.


  • Was babysat by Silver often when she was younger.
  • Because of robotization, is missing half an arm. Can experience weird phantom limb when robot part not attached to arm.
  • Speed: Although not as fast as Sonic and Shadow, Jazz is faster than most. It helps that both parents are speedy hedgies.
  • Strength: Jazz also has a little more than average strength, although this is less because of her physical body and more because she has a robotic arm.
  • Chaos Energy: Jazz has a fairly low Chaos ability unlike her father. She is definitely more sensitive to it. She is trying to lear to at least harness it enough to throw off any attackers.


4af3d38775b2c3100526f38ad7c6edcf23ce4b67 At the beginning Shadow didn't seem to have that much interst in Jazz unfortunately, do to the idea that he could live well beyond her. Sonic often stepped in as a male figure in her life, and she absolutely adored him. Unfortunately one day Eggman had gotten a hold of her, finding out she was the daughter of Shadow and Amy. This resulted in a little bit of experimentation resulting in her left arm being robotized before she was rescued. Thankfully this resulted in Eggman being jailed for some time while Jazz learned about her new abilities.

She was very self conscious about her new robotic arm, but thanks to others she grew to gain confidence. It helped that at that point Shadow had became more involved and she was becoming a total daddy's girl. She also began interacting with Matt, which really resulted in the two of them picking on each other and fighting a lot at first. It was a bit before Matt officially gave into Jazz, stating she was the stronger one of the two of them. It soon resulted in a much worse combination of them causing mischief.

To Current Times

Life was pretty normal - at least as normal as it could get considering her parents - and often times she found herself with Matt to get up to no good, or being babysat by Silver. It wasn't until her younger teenage years did Matt confessed that he liked her in a romantic way. It was surprising, but she agreed to start dating, much to Shadow's dismay. They dated for a couple of years before Jazz decided that she really didn't think of Matt in that way, and broke it off. Matt stated the breakup was mutual.

In one of their mischevious plans, Matt and Jazz did end up kidnapping a strange golden hedgehog from G.U.N., although only Matt got caught. Jazz on the other hand took the kid to a hiding place, and soon got attached to him. She got a good punishment from both parents, although she soon learned that Andie was not a kid to be played with.... although that didn't stop her from trying to visit him often.

For the most part she gets into antics like her parents before her did.

Shadow the Hedgehog Father [Dad]

Shadow and Jazz's relationship was rough at the beginning. Shadow seemed to hold her at an arm's distance, afraid to get too close due to his long lifespan. However after the incident that led to Jazz's arm becoming roboticized, Shadow became a bit more overprotective of his daughter, and deals with her when she gets a little too reckless.


Amy Rose Mother [Mom]

Amy had loved Jazz since the day she was born. She is a doting mother, and honestly had plenty of practice being motherly thanks to Cream. Amy's ability to care for others extends to Jazz, although there are times where Amy needs a break and hands her off to Shadow or Sonic.


Sonic the Hedgehog Godfather

Sonic of course was named Jazz's Godfather, and he absolutely loves Jazz. He loves feeding her sense of adventure. Of course he also became very overprotective of her after the event dealing with Robotnik. He tries to avoid talking about it, instead trying to be positive for her so that she could learn to love herself despite it.


Matthew (Matt) the Hybrid Friend/Ex-boyfriend

Matt and Jazz were of course friends through their parents. Nothing like two pink children wrestling each other. Their first meetings were rough, but soon they became very close friends. Once they hit early teenagehood, they attempted to have a romantic relationship. However in the end Jazz decided to break it off, and Matt still states it was mutual.


Anders the hedgehog Friend/Half Bro

Jazz just happened to meet Andie by basically kidnapping him. She thinks he's absolutely adorable, especially considering how naive and ignorant he is about Mobius. Neither has any clue that they share DNA from the same mother, but Jazz treats him as her little brother either way.


Tails Prower Mechanic

Once Jazz's arm was robotized, Amy immediately took her to Tail. He was absolutely willing to help her learn about her new arm, and help keep it up in good shape. It also gave him a chance to get a close look at Eggman's work when it came to robotization, and they learned about her abilities together.



  • Her left arm is robotic from her elbow down.
  • She had black markings that go up her arm from her fingertips, on the tips of her back quills, and the tips of her ears.
  • Her arms are covered in fur like her dad, but she has a peach belly like her mom.