


4 years, 2 months ago



Name Petal
Pronouns She/Her
Age 27
Gender Female
Sexuality Lesbian
Build Rounded, Smaller than average huskies
Breed Husky
Partner None
Parents Willow and Sai
Demeanor Strong-willed, warm
Voice Claim Twilight Sparkle
Theme None yet


  • Friends
  • Nature noises
  • Blankets


  • Blood
  • Death




Petal is a very emotional person and when she is upset, she is impulsive.

Design Note

Her design can include the gray spots or be pure white.


Petal is a compassionate person under the layers of emotionalness, and tries to tend to her friend's emotional needs.


Just like Jane's backstory, Petal and Jane lived in their home with their family. Willow, Sai, Serenity, and Rosa. One day, Jane and Petal were playing outside at age 9. They strayed too far and got kidnapped by two dogs, Cannabis and Mackrel. They were taken away from the home.

The Ring

Petal and Jane were taken into a fighting ring and thrown into cells. Petal was thrown into a cell with blankets and fancy food. Petal didn't know what this was about, and didn't trust it either. As years went by, the leaders of the ring always came by to teach Petal about the ring or talk to her. Petal didn't know why. Around age 24, it turns out that they were trying to either train Petal to become a new ring leader or kill her for her pelt. Petal rejected them when she was 16 due to Cannabis killing an old woman mercilisley. And since the deal to kill Petal for her pelt fell through, Cheryl had enough of using their resources on Petal's comfort. She forced Petal and Jane to go in the ring. A month before this happened, Jane and Petal finally confronted eachother. Since Jane had enough reputation and proved her loyality in Cheryl's eyes, she was able to roam around. This lead to a confrontation.


Petal lashed out at Jane, saying that she never wanted Jane to be like this. And that she did not have a choice about how she ended up in the ring. Jane then lashed out, saying that Petal never had to go through what she went through, and said despite what the ring leaders claim, she is not special. This causes a wedge in their friendship, and a month later they have to fight eachother. Petal was first to attack, scratching up Jane's cheek. Petal said Jane was a dumbass and needed to go soul searching. Before Jane could say anything back, Petal saw Asphyxiation run across the ring with a stick of fire. She threatened Begonia, the door master, to open all doors or she will burn him alive. Begonia opened all of the doors, freeing everyone in the facility. Petal and Jane run out. Petal and Jane have a final confrontation, calling Jane selfish and going their seperate ways.


Petal brought West with her, and unlike Jane- she knnows where they live. Petal finds her childhood home- and Willow, Sai and Serenity are there. Rosa was older than Petal, so she probably has a life outside with a family and such. Her family was so happy to see her. Petal filled them in on what happened. Petal decided to live with her family, years to catch up on. She met several friends; Salone, Poseidon, Marceline, and more. She now lives contently at age 27. She battles with trauma still.



Jane Sister

They were close when they were young, but now they are completley divided.


West Best Friend

West and Petal are very close friends.


Asphyixiation Love Interest

Petal was in love with Asphyixiation, but it's unclear if she felt the same. During the burning down, she burned alive, making a sacrifice.


Salone Friend

They don't know eachother a lot, but Petal thinks Salone is cool!


Poseidon Friend

Petal also thinks Poseidon is really cool. Poseidon also convinced Petal to not eat rabbit after meeting her rabbit friend.


Household Family

She loves her family bunches and is grateful she was able to find them again.

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