
Erik Satie
Gymnopédie No. 1
0:00 3:57

Abbie Hill
Human Ghost | Female | Bisexual | 26

Abbie Hill is an dimension-hopping ghost using her abilities to help others in need. Through her musical talent, compassion, and guidance, she strives to be the best music therapist she can. Abbie serves as the symbolic reminder of how short life can be, so one should enjoy it while they still can.

Heyy! Real life Abby here. I had this one for about 7 years now, so in celebration I redid her design, name (it was a bit confusing for me since i had 2 'Abbys' XD), and TH profile! I'm very proud of her, and I hope you guys like her as well.

  • Cats
  • Supporting others
  • Music
  • Complete isolation
  • The suffering of others
  • Caves, especially in mountains

Then I understand...

Lawful good | ESFJ
kind patient calm

During her younger years, specifically when she was still alive, Abbie was much more energenic and adventurous. However, this changed as her life and afterlife escalated. She is much more relaxed and wound down nowadays. She continues pursue her explorer-like trait through dimension hopping, but now with the purpose of supporting others and being a good friend. Her career in music therapy is one way she does this. Even if she changed, Abbie has always been a motherly and compassionate sort of person.

So far, Abbie has few intense situations or emotions she had to deal with. If was made to be upset, horrifed, angered, and so on, she avoids others for the moment to deal with the emotions herself. She finds healthy ways to cope, such as an outlet in music. The least she'd want to do at all is to throw them on someone else. Fortunatly, such feelings are rare for her. Many problems she had before have been dealt with through acceptance and control.


The friend I'm dreaming of is far away

6'1FT | Relatively slender and long | Relaxed, casual

Most of the context for her appearance is on her ref sheet, but I'll write context here anyways. All of her coloring, except for the lineart within her internal appearance and her eyes, is 85% or less in opacity. Her cardigan is optional, so if she were to take it off it'll appear as if shes wearing an off-the-shoulder loose "gown" connected to her ghost tail. This lower section behaves like the fluid of a lava lamp, yet still remains in a tail-like shape. Whimsical strands sometimes wrap around the bottom of the tail, such as shown in the reference sheet. The ghost tail is not optional. She can also take on other forms since she has no true physical body, however in any form she takes it's always the same color pallete and still has a ghost tail. Different outfits can count as different forms as well.
In most realms, its difficult for alive people to see her. But in some she can be mostly visible, just purely based on that world's rules. Her body also mostly dissapears in the dark but her irises can glow slightly brighter. Some physics per realm can apply to her appearance, but for the most part she always looks out of place. For example, if a world was a stylized sort of cartoon, Abby would not look the same as them. It'll appear as if some other artist drew her in.
Extra info is on her ref sheet, or ask the creator for specified info.

But I'm here,

disclamer for themes of death, grief, hospitalization, mental illness, suicide and derealisation!
Early Life

During her childhood, she lived in a peace meadow with a family of 4; Her mom, dad, younger sister, and herself. Abbie's family owned the meadow and had a cottage settlement there, but for the most part they kept their settlement small. Her parents had no interest in taking control over the entire acreage and wanted to perserve the nature's beauty. Most of her childhood was quite sheltered and easygoing, but life was good. That is until one day, a troubled tragedy struck.

It was just morning when it happened, and Abbie was only 10. She felt quite curious that day and wanted to play with her sibling. When she couldn't find her in the house, she bothers her parents while they're still sleeping to go outside. They let her do so with the belief that she would stay close to home. Abbie heads out to the outdoors and begins looking for her sister, eventually believing that they were playing a game of hide and seek. However it was shortlived and her focus changed as she decides to explore further out of the field. Little did she know, her sibling was outside just behind the cottage their family lived in, and she saw Abbie first before she could find her. She follows her from a distance as Abbie wandered into the woods, then up the neighboring mountains.

On her small adventure, Abbie discovered an abandoned path by the start of the mountains. She climbs through it and midway through she learned it lead to a cave. It appeared to be just as desolate as the path she went on, possibly an old mine. But this does not stop Abbie. She enters the cave and begins to explore further, studying the formation of rock wall and dried vines. Unfortuantly, she ventures too far, and her foot trips on something. She didn't hit close ground. Instead, she was falling deeper and deeper in a dark yet darker crater.

Abbie's sister heard her echoing screams within the cave and knew immediately that she was in danger. She ran all the way back home and told her parents about what happened, provoking them to call emergency services. By the time the emergency reached Abbie in the crater, she was severely wounded by the impact. It seemed hopeless, but after procedures were done on her at the hospital it is revealed that she miraculously survived. However, due to her injures and especially the brain damage, she fell into a coma for who knows how long. From that day on, Abbie was sleeping in the hospital connected to life support. She was visited daily by her sibling and parents, both having great regret for letting her venture too far. None of them knew such an event would happen.
However, not everything is in dismay. Soon, Abbie's parents were notified of a new highly advanced technology owned by the hospital. It was said that it can manipulate the dreams of patients, specifically for those in comas. Through this, the patient can still connect to their close ones, live an enjoyable life despite of their realtime conditions, and possibly can repair minds back to normal. When her parents heard of this piece of machinery, they eagerly signed up for the service and soon Abbie was given her second chance.

The Vivid Dream

When Abbie woke up, the first thing she saw was a bright light shining in front of her eyes. As she got up she realises that she was in the crater she fell into earlier. From the spot she fell she could see that the area around her was surrounded by more rock, but most interestingly several pillars surrounded the place she fell that was a golden bed of flowers. She survived, but how? This question is interrupted when she discovers a limp body which looked oddly familiar. She looks up, suddenly sees a faint purple shilloutte of her sister, and discovers with shock what had happened. Her sister was dead.

But yet here she is, floating in front of her, like a ghost. Because she was one. It confused her, but soon she didn't care nonetheless. At least her sister wasn't DEAD dead.

Abbie's sister watches from the small moniter screen as dream-Abbie attempts to embrace the ghost version of herself, only to go through her and accidently run into a pillar. Usually she would feel downcast to see Abbie hooked up in a hospital bed, but the new dream-monitor which shows Abbie's dreaming helped keep her nerves down. The two sibling's parents were nearby too, watching the screen from a further distance. As Abby dreamed, they soon found a way to communicate to her through technonologie's microphone. With every visit, the family will continue with such a habit. Abbie's dream may continue to progress, but the visit routine would be realtively the same.

When it came to Abbie's hookup to the service, the parents had a choice on what sorts of dreams she could have. Knowing her adventourous, curious, and kind personality, they suggested a sort of world which would fit with that part of her. So, Abbie was given such a virtual world which greatly resembled the popular vidoegame Undertale. Her family watched as she went through the world with the privlege of being there in-person. When her parents couldn't be there, Toriel was. It seemed as though Abbie would surely be safe, because in this world she cannot truely die. She will be okay.

Or will she?

Eventually, after the course of a year or two it appears that Abbie's virtual world time has been slowly growing in momentum and eventualy became faster than realtime. This was the first warning sign that the service wasn't completely trustworthy and had weaknesses within the code. However, her family and the hospital staff ignored it and thought it was completely fine. As long as she was still breathing and her mind was repairing, it couldn't mean any harm, right? If it wasn't for the fact that more abnormalities began to appear. Suddenly, Abbie had the ability to change the storyline in such a way an ordinary dream would. She wasn't even aware that it was herself who was giving her such different elements unexpected of the virtual world. But it wasn't too worrisome because afterall Abbie was still having fun in her own ways. Even if she suddenly had powers which resembles the NPC's magic, it seemed to benefit her more than anything. So once again, the problem was dismissed. This cycle escalated from the part where Abbie was able to keep a romantic relationship with one of the NPCs, to how her virtual world still continued to exist even after the 'pacifist ending'. But soon the horrible truth was revealed when Abbie's wonderous dream life was switched around completely.

Abbie wanders the streets of her local homecity, walking back home from a long day of work. It was a peaceful walk, until she heard a strange sort of... fading. Specifically from the alleyway she walked past. She retraces her steps and carefully ventures into the back alley, noticing the dark and hidden feeling of the area she was going into. She soon reaches a dead end and she sees a strange pile of dust at the very end. She moves closer, picks up the blue jacket beside it, inspects it both and the jacket... Abbie is struck with horror.
Her loved one was murdered. She could tell by the knife that was left over and the smears of blood, not ketchup.
Suddenly, a firey rage of vengence is sparked within her.

Even if the images shown on the screen were fast fowarded by the different passage of time in the virtual world, the docters knew what they saw. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Any amount of tradegy implemented in a dream machine's world were supposed to be minor, or at least didn't effect the patient so horribly. Soon, help was reached and the machinery's programming was safely examined. It was found that something else, which resembled the coding of malware, somehow got into the system. It was learnt even further that it has been there ever since the virtual world's passage of time began to speed up. They also couldn't get rid of it or unplug the machine from Abbie without harming her. It was rooted into both the machine and her brain. After this discovery more research was done on a grander scale, with all sorts of support and computer teams. All other products of the dream-manipulater technology was being attacked as well, but most of it was early enough in its stages that it was taken care of. Except Abbie's. It seemed as if she was the malware creator's test subject, which was why it was rooted in the scripts for so long and seemed harmless until now. It was extremely cruel. But yet there was nothing that could be done about the malware. The hospital was too late to save her now. All that could be done was to pull the plug on Abbie now or let it happen.
Abbie's family soon heard of this and was just as devesated. They had a hard decision to make, but soon it was chosen that Abbie will live through it anyways. They believed that it would past, and maybe, just maybe, Abbie will still wake up from the nightmare.

Abbie finds herself in a middle of the shallow pine forest, blood splattered all over herself and her limbs tired. She had done it. She found the one killed her lover, battled them mercilessly, and now she is standing beside it's distorted body beside a fallen down tree. Abbie had her revenge, so she's supposed to be happy. But... she isn't. In fact, she felt quite tired. But not in the physical sort of feeling. It was that empty tiredness. A cold, isolated dismay. Maybe she should head back home. Take a nap, maybe.
But the feeling never left. It just grew worse by the day. It swelled, and swelled, until Abbie questioned if it really was a feeling to begin with. It hurt her head. Too much. There were loud whispers in her mind now, and they wont leave. It wont stop. They were all cold and depressing, nothing like what she had before. Before he died. The mere thought of him, or her being happy, actually hurt as well. All she ever wanted to do now was to sleep, or just dissapear. Does she really matter to anyone else, anyway? The only person who cared is gone now. And she cant live without him.
Soon, Abbie was in a timeloop, going back to the very beginning of her life journey each time. And then she would repeat all of it again, again, and again. The ruins, gaining her powers, the dating, the freeing of the underground, losing her lover, revenge, suicide... It soon became a blur of images to her. Even worse, she remembered all of those lives. Nobody else could, not even her sister or significant other. She couldn't change her circumstances as well, it was always the same no matter what she did. The only thing she was succesful on was taking a genocidal path, but even then she couldn't get past fighting her partner. In fact, after that route it made things worse. Now instead of only losing her lover, everyone she knows dies because of that one coldhearted entity. The monsters she knew? No, those weren't monsters. But that thing. It was a monster.

It just kept on getting worse, and worse. Her lives were a nightmare. She just wanted it to end. And it wont end. It wont end.
Then it did.

Many years has passed and it was now Abbie's 16th birthday. Sweet sixteen, if it weren't for the fact that she was still trapped in her sleep. 2 years prior was the day that Abbie's family discovered the virus which took control of her dreams. By now, her parents were starting to lose hope for Abbie's reawaking so it was only her sister which visited her that day. She felt hopeless about her sister as well and it was no longer comforting to visit her. She had watched as the screen's recording of her dreams became faster over time, specifcally right after Abbie leaps off that building. Now it was just a flash of repetitive color. If it weren't for the fact that unplugging any parts of the machine could actually kill Abbie, the doctors would've disconnected that moniter a long time. However, it no longer mattered to Abbie's sister. This was the last time she was going to visit her, afterall. She stares at her slumbering sister's body, then at the screen out of habit.
But then something stops her. She notices a new image on the screen. It was nothing. Nothing at all. Suprised, she glances back at Abbie, whose breathing has changed.
She was stirring. Waking... up.

When Abbie woke up, the first thing she saw was her sister watching over her in complete shock. Uncomfortablely, she shifts her head and looks around at her surroundings. She was in a hospital bed, a dozen wires connected to her from several machines. She suddenly realises that all that happened to her after falling into the cave was never real. She was okay. She looks back up to her sister and notices how she changed, but nonetheless she smiles at her brightly. Abbie was finally glad that she was alive.

The two sisters have a overjoyous reuninion. They were so glad to see eachother again, both alive and happy. However, their moment is abruptly cut short by an unfortunate accident. While reaching up to her sister to embrace, Abbie accidently pulls out her life support plugs and is thrown into shock. Desparate to keep the second chance of living, she fought for her survival. Her sister immediatly notifies the medical staff about this, but by the time they came to her aid it was too late. Abbie Hill has passed on.

At least she was put out of her misery.


When Abbie appeared in her afterlife, she didn't expect it to look like the way it was. She found herself in the middle of space, surrounded by small blurred out pictures of different scenery floating by. She then glanced at herself and noticed how she was more translucent than before and was colored with shades of pink. Just like how the dream version of her sister appeared to be. Abbie concludes that she is dead, but what worries her the most is that she is nowhere near her deathbed or her family. She wanted to seem them one more time and figure out why she was trapped as a ghost. She remembered how as a kid she was told that ghosts existed because they haven't yet fullfilled a specific purpose in their life period. Abbie considered if that was why she was in such a strange state. So in a haste, she began searching for her home reality.

Unfortunatly, she was unsuccessful. She couldn't find her original reality nowhere. She felt like she was being banished from her own reality, but why? What did she do to gain this curse? It confused and gave her grief for the longest time. She couldn't even interact with most foriegn realities, she was just forced to watch. Even if they saw her they were terrified. But to Abbie, when she manages to find the right mirror, she looked just as normal any ghost could be. Maybe they were only scared for the fact that she's a ghost, nothing truely sinister. At least through her searches, she figured out how to use the strange photos which were proven as portals and some of the realites she discovered were quite incredible. It was too bad that she was just a spectator in many of these places.

As time passed, Abbie soon found a way to enjoy her new conditions. She figured out that it was quite healing to be away from her old world, even if she misses being there. For her first time here, she was still scarred by the events that happened beforehand and was still trying to move past her grief. But eventually, Abbie found solutions and learnt to move on from her past. She began to accept things the way they were, and the things that happened beforehand, whether she liked it or not. That was the only way she could keep her sanity, afterall. That was one thing as well. Even if she was dead, it seemed as if her spirit and soul refused to follow through. Thats why she still felt human emotions and made mistakes. Another concept she realised was that her 'unfullfilled purpose' wasn't neccessarily restricted to her own reality, which was why she couldn't return back to it. It was sort of like she was being protected from it's dangers. Abbie understood why now and finally lets herself enjoy what her afterlife had to provide.

During her dimension hopping, Abbie had found worlds where she had more access. More abilities to funtion in the world without spectating. Abbie supposed it was due to the world's laws of physics, but it doesn't stop her. Because she was aware of this phenomena she began to use it for an plan she had in mind. She would get an education on the things she's passionate for and then use them to help others in improving their lives. Afterall, she disliked the idea of others suffering the way she went through it herself. So Abbie found a dimension parallel to her original one, got an degree in psychology and music, and got on the road of being a multi-dimensional music therapist. It was certanly a different and exotic choice, but if she wanted to improve her afterlife it meant pursuing her passions.

(Extra info: When alone, Abbie usually just chills in her space-like limbo realm. In the first few years of her strange afterlife Abbie was unaware of where these portals will take her, but overtime she began to find ways to organize and differenciate them. This is how she reaches the right clients. ALSO! if it confused you that undertale was somehow part of her story, it was only really kept there because she used to be Dum-da-dun.... an Undertale AU oc who was paired with sans. Because she had this stort of earlier story for so long (abt 4 years before I moved on from sans lol) I felt guilty for completely removing it. So, I just kept it in a more contained and reasonable sort of way. Look, when I was younger, I was REALLLY proud of Abbie's original story prior to moving on from Undertale. I can't completely get rid of that! So yeah, Abbie's original story became part of a bigger one.)

I'm here

She knows many friends and clients, and some are my/other's OCS!


"Quite the likeable salesman! He doesn't take any of my sessions, but sometimes asks me about general relationship advice. I suppose its about Spamton. At least from recenter observations, the two seem happier together :)"



"Takes my services for a number of reasons. I wont get into detail primarly for her security, but what I can say is that she's such a sweetie. I hope she gets to see that with herself too."

(More characters will be added if needed!)