


3 years, 10 months ago



Name Yukio
Called Yuki
Age 20
Gender Male
Race Elf / Man of the Snow
Role Create storms and spiky ice
Alignment Pasive at first watch (but dont let that fool you)

His Birthday is the 8 of July! He is the kind of person that dislike to be surrounded by people, he only goes to city when he needs food or clothes.


  • Snow
  • His Sister
  • His white fox


  • Hearing shet from the mouth of other
  • Someone looking at his eyes
  • Blind people jokes


- He can't see, while his sister can see but can't talk

- He has ice powers like a man of the snow

-He never separates from his sister, and her sister doesn't separate from him

- His hobby walk at night and make the snow move in the air

- His power is so strong that it gets really snowy around him, somethink normal for him, but when he goes to town he has to control it, and because is so strong his body start to get the cold inside, thats why he uses his big jaquet.


The history of their family explain that the people of ice and snow travel by their own until they reach the right age to take care of themselfs (10 years old). Astrea has a brother, they need each other to suvive because the lose of their facultis, in this case the talk. When they start to live by themselfs Astrea tryes to help his brother to continue moving alone even when he dosnt have eyes. And his brother was his voice and teach her how to comunicate with him and find stuff to teach Astrea to talk with other people. At the end in some years they manage to work by themselfs his brother manage to walk like if he can see, but actually he just feel his enviroment.



Astrea [ Sister ]

As Astrea cannot talk and only comunicate with a very poor sign lenguaje, Her bother cannot se. Because they supposed to be born as the complement of the other.

HTML by Eggy
