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3 years, 10 months ago


Kota Artica
nonbinary [he/him]
Malamute Mix
July 7th
Assistant Fishermen
Distant . Inquisitive . Mild

Kota likes to think he's pretty basic in nature, keeping quiet, distant from most, and generally very mild. However, this isn't to be confused with arrogance or malovence, as he's actually rather kind hearted, just has a hard time opening up to anyone, other than Claremont.

He once ate cement when he was six, what a fucking loser.


  • Rainy/Snow Weather
  • Chocolate-Rich Treats
  • Claremont

  • Warm Weather
  • Overconfidence
  • Eggs. Ew.
Epic quote time.

  • He is 6'2"
  • Really likes the smell of paint
  • Can dislocate his fingers without pain
Design Notes

  • Human and Anthro/Feral forms are mutually exclusive [can't appear in the same universe]
  • Big ol fluffy mane, not optional
  • He's halfway between buff and fat
  • None Character related: Honeybeest Design, total worth: 200+(?)

Kota's childhood was as simple as any can be, living in the northern parts of Washington with his lone father. Even as a child, he held his reserved nature, however with an almost worrying amount of meekness behind it. Not much of a social one and preferring to stay alone, his father tried to help his poor son out of these habits, but alas they never reached anywhere. As for his mother, he has never known her, and his father never talked about her. He always assumed she wasn't a bad person, but an unprepared soul for the care of a child and the sudden rise of a family. Afterall, he was born to relatively young parents, he doesn't blame her for leaving.

When he finally was reaching his teenage years, he gained an interest in graphic design, maybe wanting to pursue it one day. His father supported this then, and still does, trying his best to provide for his son.


Funny enough, Kota gained a bit of a rebellious attitude in his teenage years, having a grip to pick with any authority. However despite this, he was never the yelling or violent type, but the one to silently mock those who think they hold power over others for no real reason. This even resulted in a few arguments with his father, leading up to a night where Kota felt so conflicted, he disappeared for 24 hours. His father was sent into a panic, wondering if he had just lost his son over a stupid argument that could've been avoided. He was lucky that Kota came home eventually. They don't talk about that night.

After some time, their relationship began to heal and they eventually reached a place somewhat close to normal. Hell, during these years Kota finally would discover his sexuality, to which his father responded to kindly. By the time he was seventeen, they had planned to move to Los Angeles so Kota could attend college and pursue graphic design. Things were looking good for the both of them.


Immediately after graduation, Kota and his father moved to the bustling city of Los Angeles, his meek nature had thankfully faded away by this point, however the rustle and bustle of city life still startled him. He almost didn't settle in right, until he met a young business owner, Oliver. Weirdly enough they'd come to befriend each other, Oliver taking on an almost older brotherly figure to the weird Washington boy. Helping him navigate the city, he slowly grew more comfortable in this place, almost feeling at home. He would note however, how his father seemed to become more stressed over time. And right before he was about to enter his dream college, his father vanished.

Kota remembers that night vividly, coming home to an empty and dark apartment, calling out for his father and never getting a response. And when he didn't return days later, even after putting out a missing persons notice the first night, Kota has been consumed by the fear that the worst has occured. Barely any developments have been made since his father's disapperance, and that weighs on his mind heavily.

Unable to bear the burden of his father's disappearance, he put his college life on hold and currently works several jobs to keep himself afloat until one day, hopefully, his father returns. Oliver has even taken the boy in, allowing him to live with him until he can get on his feet, and even provided him an assistant job at his fishermen business. Kota thinks he will never be able to repay his friend's kindness, but he can certainly hope to do so one day.

It has only been recent with his meeting with the mysterious Claremont, and while it will take him awhile to admit, he's utterly fascinated by the fellow. He doesn't know all too much about him, however he's eager to know more, and maybe find something more with him.


  • Distant since childhood and absent mother. Kota and his father have always been close.
  • Had an attitude problem in his teenage years and went missing for a night. His fatehr and him have made up since but it still hurts a bit.
  • Moved to Los Angeles and met Oliver, and planned on attending college. His father goes missing one night and hasn't returned, and has since been working part time jobs.
  • Recently met Claremont, a mysterious but interesting fellow.
code by jiko | background by @ user