Amphai Blackbeak



7 years, 5 months ago


Sisikrus Species Species by mushroom_300 (AKA Voxollous)

Name- Amphai Blackbeak

Age/Birth- 18 Augest 10th

Orientation- Studing with part time job at a local cornor shop

Sexuality- ??? (Development yet to be made with any realtionship so it states unknown)

Personality- Quiet, reserved, with loner tendencies even though wanting people in his life and to be loved. Wants to be more private and hidden. Has trouble describing feelings, but tends to be emotional. can be very affectionate towards people he cares about. Can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others without realzing it. Influenced by others at a certian impact. Can be disorganized and messy at times but pretty prone to losing things. sometimes he acts without thinking. Likely to have or want a tattoo even though being scared to death by anything painful. Easily distracted by topics that dont suit his interest. Uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations and being in the middle of them. Attracted to strange things and popculture. Easily talked into doing stupid things that he may regret