
Real Name: Jun'ichi Moriyama

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Questioning

Age: 18

Height: 6'0

Hair Color: Brown

Dango is one of the captains in the Zodiac Motorist. He is the local pretty boy and is very caring. He is mute and communicates using ASL (which Popcorn or Wildcard (the boss) will translate for others). The scar on his face is from a knife attack and has dimples. He is very intelligent and is going to college for neuroscience.

Jojo Era: Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

Stand Name: Party

Ability: Weapon Replication

Info: The user is able to mimic and replicate the weapons of others around oneself, and be able to use those weapons as one's own.

Method of Activation: Touching groin

Limit/More Susceptible To: May have to train oneself on how to use new weapons.

Range: 19m or 62ft