
Real Name: Sota Oshiro

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 18

Height: 5'4

Hair Color: Black

Jelly is one of the captains of the Zodiac Motorist. He suffers from Insomnia thanks to his stand [font=arial, sans-serif]Murder Was the Case and is a frequent smoker. He is dating Doughnut. He wont show it but he truly loves his boyfriend. He hates being touched and refrains from PDA unless Doughnut is the one initiating it. He is related to Kimchi, his big brother. He gets very touchy about his brother if you disrespect him.

Jojo Era: Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

Stand Name: Murder Was the Case

Ability: Cloud Flight
Info: Users of this ability can fly, glide and/or levitate through manipulation of clouds. They can fly at various speeds, levitate, or propel themselves without taking flight, including enhanced jumping by a short burst of flight.
Method of Activation: Whistling
Limit/More Susceptible To: Insomnia
Range: 37m or 121ft