


3 years, 10 months ago


a rugged street fighter who is on the wrong side of the law and does dealings with bad people but is generally a pretty nice guy who treats women kindly and wants to get straight but keeps finding himself back in with his gang. he often goes out without alerting anyone and comes home bloodied but does what he can to keep people out of his dealings and wouldnt tell people much without prodding for info. He's a bit of a loose cannon and acts on impulse. He's quick to get upset and get into physical fights, but it comes from a place of passion and intensity that bleeds into everything he does. If he loves something he loves the hell out of it, and if he hates something he hates it deeply. When he sets his mind to something he gives it 110% and works hard for everything he has. He's incredibly loyal to his friends and family and gets into trouble for their sake alot. He is a part of a gang in iota, and spends alot of time with them and at their hang outs. He works at one of the fronts for the gang, a small bath house in the "Theta Town" side of the city. They do drug and weapon trafficking through the back of house.