Juniper Peahkel (Info Dump)



Wish : Wanted to make those jumping his partner suffer (( fucked up his wish ))

Power : "Life-line" once his enemy is weak enough he can use a smidge of his blood to summon his scissors and cut someone's life line, thus kiiling them

Drawback :
He's anemic, thus making it hard for him to constantly use his abilities without having to rest awhile afterwards. He'll usually sleep a lot or take some days easier than usual. He's a FT college student and it does now interfere with his studies.

After losing his partner whom he soon was planning on proposing to after he graduated, he fell into a deep depression. He wanted revenge and let his anger basically control him. He's pissed at himself for not being able to save his partner in time and even more pissed that he didn't wish to save his partner, something to benefit,,, He was too hasty and hoped his partner would make it but alas they died soon after arriving at the hospital. He went on a bit of a binge, he started ignoring his classes more, going out more, he just needed an outlet and found his new powers too much fun.

He did soon learn of the consequences of his ability when he went to summon his scissors it didn't work. After communicating with his familiar he learned that killing mortals took years off of his own and the reason he couldn't use his scissors was because he didn't have any more lives to spare. By this time next year he'd be dead if he didn't do anything about it. He found out killing other magical boys would help him gain a life, but normal magical enemies would do nothing for him. He would hunt down beasts and wait for boys to show up to ambush them. He was scared of dying but he'd never admit it. He's only gained about 12 years so far. He doesn't have much time left.

Juniper didn't have the best of childhoods, but it could've been worse. His mother made it worth it and fully enjoyed having her around, but he knew it wasn't good for her. His dad was verbally abusive but phsyical when he drank. Juniper always hated the smell of beer, it would make him sick. He'll always tense up at the slightest smell of it and be on his guard even if he doesn't show it. He was very open with his mother and loved to express himself to her, even explored his sexuality and identity with her full support. If he'd share with his father he'd get petty remarks on how he's not a real man or just subtle digs that made him feel like shit. His mom wanted to leave, but her husband was smart and made her sign a prenup, ensuring she wouldn't get shit if she left him also making her an unfit mother and would result in his dad getting full custody of Juniper. His mother wouldn't do that to him, she loved her son way too much. She ended up dying early due to underlying health issues. College was his escape.

He has a very stand off-ish attitude when first meeting him due to truama and fear of getting close to anyone. After losing his partner, he's extremely iffy when it comes to any sort of touch or slight intimacy. It scares him and he's not ready to open up again. The only person able to break down his walls in Jin after some time. They didn't have the best start, but once Jin started losing his hearing he grew a softer spot for Jin, especially since Jin would ocassionally need to touch Juniper's neck to feel the vibrations. It was a big no-no at first, but after some easing, Jin's touch is the only one he's comfortable with.

They're boyfriends !