Amy's Comments

I know what happened 

I really like the way you have written her profile: this makes this look extremely realistic, as Amy was a real person in our world. Each part is very detailed, from her bio to the circumstances of her disappearance. You clearly put a lot of effort into this and I admire that. Amazing job !

Thank you! ; u ; I put so much effort into trying to make Amy's story blend seamlessly with the real world, as if you could check a newspaper from 2006 and see an article; "Pasco Student Disappears After Crash on WA-410." It feels great to hear that her story feels realistic.

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Interesting take, and some good observations! The theory of two people being in the car seems pretty popular.

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Me too, they're my favourite kind of story both to write and read. :)

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Urban legends are definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, lol. I did try to convey that kind of feeling a little bit with Amy. A lot of times in cases that have lasted several years you see them reach an almost urban legend like state for people outside of the case, even though it's definitely still a very real thing for the families and friends affected. 

This was really fun to read! I love how the bio is set up, and it really adds to the story. There isn't too much to go off from this alone but I do think that she wasn't abducted and it was premeditated with someone else, though for what reason I am unsure. Perhaps she had gotten involved with something dangerous or illegal and need to go on the run. If she was guilty and afraid it might explain the breakdown at work but I'm not sure. 

Thanks! Great speculation, I love hearing how much people's theories can differ. I've never had someone suggest her premeditating it with a partner, I think that's a really interesting take on it and definitely one I haven't heard yet! Well thought out, as well.