


3 years, 11 months ago


Rough Character:

  • Keres is roughly 200 years old at the time of this story (mid-20s when transformed, 25-26?). Without the horns she is 7'11'' in her normal slouched posture, but completely straightened she is 12'9''! (I don't know her exact wingspan but it's definitely over 10')
  • She was originally a human from Greece, but was kidnapped by Lace Agate and transformed into a vampiric monster via over-envenomation in her eye. This had the side-effect of her eye perpetually producing a black sludge made of dead tissue and cells as her body attempts and fails to repair her eye.
  • Keres was tortured by Agate for many months before she managed to escape and flee to Romania.
  • She managed to find a colony of vampires, and struck a deal with them where she would provide them with clothing and provisions in exchange for their help. They helped her build a house in a stretch of forest and provided her with items she could not gather on her own. This trade continues to this day.
  • As time went on, villages began to appear dangerously close to Keres' forest. Fearing discovery would lead to her death, she resorted to revealing herself to the villagers as a terror that would murder them if they did not comply and give her a yearly sacrifice of livestock to keep them scared.
  • This arrangement worked fine for years, until one day a woman appeared at her doorstep, explaining that she was the sacrifice this year due to a disease wiping out most of the livestock.
  • Having no intention to eat this woman, named Hyacinth, Keres explained her reasoning for the yearly tribute, but told Hyacinth she could not return to her village to keep the ruse up. Keres gave Hyacinth the option to either be dropped her off many miles away with provisions to start a new life, or to stay with Keres as a housemate and companion, as Keres was a bit lonely from the many years of living alone. Hyacinth chooses to stay, and the story continues from there.
  • Keres wears a mask when she goes out, and originally wore it around Hyacinth. This is because compared to the rest of her body, her face is still quite human. Keres is a bit insecure about it, feeling like a mishmash of human and monster. It also hides her leaking eye, which is unnatural even to the vampiric community. As their relationship developed, Keres would eventually choose to stop wearing her mask around Hyacinth.
  • Due to her length, Keres is a bit top-heavy. Because of this, she moves a bit similarly to a T-rex, walking on her hind legs with her tail straight out for balance.