Koi (calico nekomata)



Nickame: none
Age: 26
Gender: demigirl
Pronouns: she / they
Birthday: august 21st
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: calico nekomata
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: pansexual
Occupation: none
Home: fae realm
Closest Friends: Macchialico (younger sister), Seb
Favorite Color: sky blue
  • yarn
  • fish
  • fae realm
  • justice
  • victory
  • tears of her enemies

Koi is a calico nekomata, a two tailed cat. She can travel between the human and fae realm with the power of her eyeball yoyo weapon. Koi is a big sister type, with major tsundere energy towards everyone except for her little sister, Macchialico. Koi will be kinder to any calico cat, as she sees them as a distant cousin. She prefers being in the fae realm, as it's always been more of a home to her, and those in the human realm have not been as kind. But nothing can keep Koi out of where she wants or needs to be.

Koi was one of the very first characters I adopted, I got really lucky with her, I feel. I'll always treasure her and one day I really plan to cosplay as her!! Most likely not a fursuit, but a kemenomimi cosplay, for sure. I'd like to develop her personality some more, too.

  • water
  • ice/snow
  • zombies
  • losing
  • sweet foods
  • dogs of any kind