Serena Arien



3 years, 11 months ago




  • Serena Seraphina Arien
  • female
  • blue
  • 5'4"
  • golden realm
  • 9/5/2005
  • she/her
  • demiro
  • blonde
  • 114 lb.
  • almaz
  • 15



  • ballet
  • vanilla
  • reading
  • cleaning


  • red
  • jason
  • misogyny
  • homophobia




Under the care of her adoptive brother, Serena grew to be rather soft-spoken. Serena and Jason were opposites in almost every way, from their genders down to their temperaments. Where Serena was motherly and caring, Jason was uncaring. Despite being younger than her nephew, Braeden, it was often Serena who took care of the other. Yet, although she was more of a parent to her nephew than his own father, Serena was rather lenient - perhaps because of her younger age, or maybe because she didn't see much harm in what Braeden did.

In addition to her soft-spoken nature, Serena can also be gentle, sweet, helpful, benevolent, kind, and rather optimistic. Even in the face of negativity, Serena always looks for a bright side, to shine a beacon of hope even in the dreariest times. However, Serena is not immune to the stress that plagues most people. To alleviate her stress, Serena took up ballet when she was six, and has not stopped the hobby since. However, she has no desire to pursue it professionally.



When Serena was only a child, she was adopted by her adoptive parents, Seraphina and Jeremy Arien. Unfortunately, the two were growing older by the year and soon died. Jeremy and Seraphina had been rather old when they had adopted Serena, having missed the presence of a child in their home. Their son, Jason Arien, had agreed to take in his adoptive sister before their death. Jason had had his own child, Braeden, that lived with him. Serena was only five when her adoptive parents died, her adoptive father at three and her adoptive mother at five on December 22, 2010.


Since her arrival at Grimm Academy, Serena has been struggling with the amount of free time she has in comparison to her duties in the Mortal Realm, as well as the sewing room within her new cottage. After a lot of contemplation and hard decisions, Serena eventually decided to leave the academy to join her older brother Rowen - as she had been kept in one place her whole life, and did not intend on continuing that for another few years. However, after taking a gap year or two, Serena returned to the academy to finish her education, before continuing on to a highter institution, where she then changed her mind to pursue ballet professionally.

It was here that she met William, through mutual friends at age eighteen when he came to visit campus at his friends' behest. It was entirely coincidental that Serena was accepted into a ballet company in Almaz, but it delighted the two no less. It would be accurate to classify their relationship as an exclusive situationship for the first twelve years, before the two got married in 2035. The couple adopted two toddlers in 2045, named Kira and Peyton.




When Serena was only five, she had to move in with her brother - and by extension, her nephew, who was six at the time. As they grew older, Serena found herself in almost a motherly position for her nephew, despite the fact that he was almost an entire year older. The two of them have a familial relationship, and understand the other almost as well as themselves. They can almost be called siblings if not for the fact that Serena is Jason's (albeit adopted) sister.



Before being claimed, Serena first met Rowen Adelaide within the library of Grimm Academy. After she was claimed, the two quickly grew close, with the two of them supporting each other (though it was usually Serena supporting Rowen) when they were down. However, Rowen has since left Grimm Academy to travel the Grimm Realm, with the two of them promising to see the other again. This promise was fulfilled when Serena left to join him.