Kestrel (High School AU)



3 years, 7 months ago


Southridge School Identification Card


Kestrel McAllister


Cis Female





Sexual Orientation



13 November 2003

Date of Birth


Grade Level






Blood Type


Eye Colour


Hair Colour

You - Greta Issac


Southridge School Identification Card

Summary and Schedule

Due to her both of her parents dying (I'll say in a car crash for this AU) when she was rather young, Kestrel has very few memories of her birth parents outside of vague ones. She was adopted by a rather wealthy, single businessman (he's the CEO of a wrestling network and a former wrestler) named Anton Le Domas (However, she kept her last name for some way to have a connection to her birth parents). Anton was, to put it bluntly, not a great father. At all. Though he never really abused his daughter, he was extremely distant, and his tough love aspect of life rubbed off on Kestrel in a terrible way considering she grew desperate for his praise, which she never really seems to get. She decided, in school, to take on wrestling to try and impress her father as well, which seemed to at least catch his eye since he managed wrestling, and though he does show up for her games he pressures her to be on top to the point where Kestrel feels like she has to be on top no matter what. She grew up popular in school not only for her intimidating visage, but for her skills in wrestling, since she's always been on the top in the team every year. She's apart of Sylvia's little clique, mostly for the power it gives her but also because being mean is just fun for her and gives her some sense of being acknowledged, even if it's through fear.

Cold, distant, and though she appears undyingly loyal Kestrel is fickle, and if the other side seems to be winning she will easily turn to that or turn on others if it so helps her goals. She's selfish and does things really only for her own benefit, apathetic, but truly has no ability to be a leader despite her believing that she's capable or deserving of it. She is devilishly intelligent, however, and knows just how to get the right information out of people if she so wants it. She'll weasel her way into your good graces only to betray you in seconds. She's that type of bitch. She honestly just isn't friendly, but she puts up an act for the sake of her...friends(?). Truly, Kestrel's just desperate to be acknowledged and has just discovered that being mean and terrible gets her that attention. She's also power-hungry, has entitlement issues, and gets jealous easily. So. U know.

(In order of periods) Statistics, Physics, English 3 Honours, US History, Theatre Tech, Athletics



Member of the Southgate Women's Wrestling Team


-Goes by "Kes" for short if you know her well enough.

-Kestrel is meant to be an exact opposite of Meredith in personality. While the two share the fact that they come from terrible homelifes, Kestrel is desperate to please her parent while Meredith instead chose to rebel against the overly high expectations of her own. Kestrel is also disloyal, the type to give up on things that don't benefit her, and cold, while Meredith is loyal, persistent, dedicated to others, and has a kind-heart despite her punkish exterior.


Sylvia O'Connor - Friend

Kestrel seems to have some form of respect for Sylvia, hense their friendship, and is seen more as the girl's...second-in-command in their group in a way. She does clearly find Sylvia's tendency to lose her temper rather fast a bit annoying, however, and though part of their friendship is so Sylvia can have some muscle in their group, Kestrel keeps around her partly for the reputation it gives her as well as to feel as if she has friends in the first place.

Ophelia Prestella - Friend?

Kestrel honestly has little opinion of Ophelia considering Sylvia brought her into their friend group, not her. A part of her slightly pities the younger girl, considering Sylvia's treatment of her, occasionally even coming to her defence since the girl seems to never really defend herself, though otherwise she's indifferent, which can, of course, lead to her being mean to Ophelia whether intentional or not, though this can be debated due to Kestrel's constant state of irritability.

Lucy Cardoza, Adrian Ruel, and Meredith Owens - Enemies

Most of what Kestrel knows about the three comes from Sylvia's mouth, so Kestrel knows that Sylvia absolutely despises the trio, Lucy especially. This really doesn't bother Kestrel much, since Sylvia's problems aren't always of Kestrel's concern, though she and Meredith are a different story. Kestrel absolutely despises her, perhaps due to Meredith's personality clashing with her own, and the two have been noted to get into fights semi-often, and Meredith not hating her in return makes Kestrel even more infurtiated, considering Meredith just acts like any fight they get into is just a game. As for the other two, Kestrel finds them annoying at best, considering their tendencies to go after Sylvia, Kestrel, and Ophelia in turn.

Anton Le Domas - Foster Father

Perhaps it's simply due to the man taking her in when he didn't have to, or due to his legacy, but Kestrel idolises her father to an extreme, an extreme that has led to her being desperate to prove herself to him. The issue with this is is that Anton's expectations for Kestrel are high, too high, actually, and his distance when it comes to raising her makes their relationship...difficult. Anton had a tough-love approach to raising her in the first place, which had led to Kestrel's mean and hardened personality, and though he seems proud of her for choosing wrestling as a path in career, he still keeps his praise held within outside of for rare occassions, which, of course, makes Kestrel more desperate to prove herself to him in the end, following his word a bit too willingly.