Jun's Comments

oh my God i'd been wanting to see how you'd do a design of him.. he's perfect........ (sorry i am just. here and very excited to find a fellow anime dog enstars fan)

OH MY GOD HI I’ve been meaning to do him for like weeks..... but I always get stuck............ so I stuck w a specific event outfit for him (cries) BUT IM SO GLAD U LIKE HIM!!!i am also very excited to find a fellow anime dog enstars fan omg hi.....

rn I’ve just mostly been doing my favs but I wanna try to create the pelt designs for everyone at some point but idk who to do next LOL

I LOVE HIM!! MY SON!!!!!!! works out perfectly considering this is his Furry Card too?? he's beautiful and hello i'm so glad to find furry idol brethren... (the spinning diamond in my name actually represents dia hell) 

and oh my god that is so many but clearly you're on your way!? you've done so many already KJHSDF THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD!!! (where can i see ibara in full) 

ME TOO.... the furry card was an obvious but perfect choice now I gotta do it for the other 3 now. Nya

WAIT WHAT IT DOES.................... HELP AJSNCIASCSDOFGKN????? The diamond.....

Also I haven’t finished ibara yet I just uploaded a shitty concept but ummmm I THINK IMMA FINISH HIM TODYA? Yeah. Hopefully <3 furry enstars brethrens...