Joseph Takamori



3 years, 11 months ago




The Ultimate Poet, heart of gold. Cares about others so much that he forgets to care for himself.


  • AGE 17
  • D.O.B March 3
  • PRONOUNS He / Him
  • RACE Human
  • HEIGHT 5'3"
  • OCCUPATION Student
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral Good
  • ORIENTATION Bisexual
  • VOICE Natsuki Hanae
  • THEME "One Little Slip"


Joseph Takamori is a relatively new name in the world of poetry, his first public work being featured in a magazine titled Poetry Kanto, with a haiku named “Home.” Ever since that one, people have been wondering who this foreign mystery poet was, and their question had been answered every time a new poem was released, leading him to be featured not only in Poetry Kanto, but in many other poetry magazines around Japan.

People had the image of a majestic and wise man, with a graceful aura that could produce these wonderful pieces of art… which is why so many were disappointed when Joseph made his first actual appearance on an interview TV show, and showed himself to be nothing more than an awkward young boy who tripped over his own words while speaking, and actually tripped when walking onstage.

Once his face was known, people were amazed that someone like him could be such a poet, but it was true, and while Joseph was happy for all the attention, he never grew arrogant, always insisting with a humble smile and a humble phrase: “As long as your heart is in your pen, your words will flow from the heart.”


Friendly • Timid • Softspoken

Joseph is, in every sense of the word, a friendly guy. At least that’s what he tries to convince everyone of. He’s usually very shy upon meeting him, prone to choking over his words or mumbling to himself when he doesn’t know how to continue a conversation. Once you get past this shell of introvertedness, however, you will find the real Joseph: a kind young man who cares so much about others that he forgets to care about himself, often without realizing it. He’ll put his all into helping others, giving up his own things if it makes others happy, treating everyone with respect, politeness, and the benefit of doubt.

Because of this he’s also quite the pushover and will usually fall to demands. But don’t be fooled, for despite seeming like nothing more than a glorified manservant, Joseph is very strong-willed about his ideals and motives. He calls himself a lawful person, and so no matter what, will always try to find justice in the world; ranging from little things like disrespecting others for no good reason or littering, to full-on crimes, he’ll do his best to maintain the image of a rightful boy he’s made for himself and reach a satisfying conclusion for everyone.

All in all, once you break him down to his bare essentials, Joseph is seen as an easygoing person, not because he's easygoing per se, but because he's an optimistic nihilist. He goes with the flow of things, but knows that even though one day they'll all die and it'll amount for nothing, each life is precious to the person who lives it. Because of it, he follows a strict rule of "Live until your dying breath," to keep fighting for your life as long as you still can, and make the most of it so that our limited time can mean something to themselves.