Anna Streifling (Annushka)



3 years, 9 months ago


Anna Shtreifling (Annushka)

Streifling Herfst Apple


Anna if one of the main characters of this story.

She belongs to Streifling Herfst Apple (Яблоко осеннее полосатое) - a type of a domesticated apple tree. You can often see the red stripes which are common for this type of apple appearing on her cheeks when she is flustered.

Anna is not used to socializing and is timid when communicating with big and loud companies. She was raised in remote outskirts of the bustling town, often left to her own devices due to her father being fully devoted to his work as a writer.

Despite of her father regularly visiting the town, Annushka, as he affectionately called her, was not allowed to visit it herself on the grounds of her ill-health. However, she was an artistic and active child, who had always dreamed of the big adventure ahead of her.

She has rarely left the house or met people who weren't their neighbours, spending most of her time crafting, cooking and reading books from her father's personal library, often fantasizing about the unknown world outside of their garden.

Following the sudden disappearance of her only family member, Anna was soon met with the need to move due to the slowly approaching frontline of the newly begun world war.

She was able to find a new place by sheer accident, sharing the carriage with the mysterious medicine woman heading towards the mountain range...

Name  Annushka 
Species  Apple 
Age  19 
Gender  female 
Role  civilian 
  • Educated, compassionate, delicate and kind.
  • But not well adapted to the changes in her life.
  • Is in dire need of socializing.
  • Tries to become more independent while unraveling the world around her.
 I-I'm... Anna! Nice to meet you!