


3 years, 11 months ago


Founder of Creekclan


And when my prayers to God were met with indifference • I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance

Name Windclaw
Gender Cis female (She/Her)
Age 4½ Years(~50 moons)
Allegiance Creekclan
Rank Leader
Playlist 🍃
Alignement True Neutral*

Hover over words followed by a * for more content.


If only one word was to be used to describe Windclaw, it most likely would be ‘fierce’. The molly is fierce in her beliefs as she is fierce in her love for those she considers family, no effort is too great when taking care of them. She has a great load of experiences and memories that can make her overthink situations and then come to the most pessimistic conclusion, especially if she thinks they pose a risk to the safety of cats she cares about.

Those that see her may think she walks the world without any doubt or hesitation, that all answers are ready behind her eyes anytime. Windclaw has perfected the art of seeming in control until she can actually have control of the situation - if others believe you have the upper hand, there’s a better chance of success and that’s an universal rule. In truth, she does enjoy being in control. It’s natural and a habit of hers to take the lead whenever she can - sometimes it happens without her planning and Windclaw finds herself overwhelmed with responsibilities she takes on without a thought.

Windclaw is not the type to beat around the bush when it comes to unpleasant information and she even thinks herself to be well-experienced in the art of dropping bad news on the lap of others. She likes to get business out of the way as quickly as possible - a swift blow, a clean cut - and becomes frustrated when she thinks something gets blown out of proportion or drags on for longer than needed. Windclaw has no patience for what she calls ‘dramatics’ though she does understand there are some cats that are drawn to big gestures.

She’s not the type to step back on a decision or a commitment on a whim, which is why many of her birth clan might have been surprised to find out about her desertion.

Was quite the firecracker as a young apprentice, with a very short temper and prone to outbursts that could turn violent if left unsupervised. She has long grown out of being impulsively violent but she had to work on herself to show the levels of patience she has as an adult - although Windclaw still does not tolerate much nonsense.

Cats that have known Windclaw for long and that have seen her outside her role as a leader will know she has a bit of a funny bone on her body and is a fan of deadpan humor, sneaking in silly puns when no one is expecting. Windclaw also greatly enjoys sparring, wrestling, play fighting - any rough, rowdy pastime with a lot of contact or physical activity will have her entertained.




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One of the five kits born to the pair of Aspenclan warriors, Quailnose and Goldenstripe. Quailnose was undeniably Aspenclan in every aspect of her being while Goldenstripe's heritage was questionable. The tom was born to a single parent, the other remaining an unsolved secret to the end of his life. Although he received no ill-treatment, Goldenstripe's parentage was the subject of elder's gossip for most of his youth.

The couple was an odd pairing, but they seemed to work out their differences most of the time.

Kithood (Aspenclan | Birth to 5 months)


Windclaw was born about a couple years before the official declaration of the Aspen/Canyon war, then named Windkit. She was born with her brother Stripedkit to the senior warrior Quailnose and her mate Goldenstripe. Stripedkit and Windkit were their parent’s first litter and were as healthy as kits come - they were meant to grow and thrive like the forest they lived in.

Although Quailnose was very much of a stereotypical Aspenclan warrior in her kindness and trusting nature, Goldenstripe was… less so. The tom was known as the clan’s resident party pooper, always muttering one thing or another on how unprepared Aspenclan was for ‘real danger’ and how they would prefer to make flower arrangements over training hard. Goldenstripe wasn’t cruel or overall bad, but he was unwilling to take kindness without reason and believed one should never, ever drop their guard. Goldenstripe taught his children to be in the search for danger in everything - bushes, tall grass, conversations, too-kind words - everything could be a sign of someone plotting their ends and he wanted his family to live.

Goldenstripe was stoic and not at all fun around the children he was initially hesitant to have, but he still made daily visits to the nursery to care for his mate and kits. No cat in Aspenclan would be able to say he didn’t care for his family during the first months of Windkit and Stripedkit’s lives. Some might have joked he might have warmed up to the idea of family too much as Quailnose announced the coming of a future second litter before her first was even out of the nursery.

Windkit and Stripedkit were good friends (although often bickering) and had an overall good kithood. The nursery was packed with friends and there were many older cats to bother all over camp as well as many stories to be heard from the elders and monarchs. Windkit ruled over the nursery like a fluffy little tyrant whenever they played games and life was good.

Apprenticeship (Aspenclan | 6 to 12 months)

When she turned six moons old, Windpaw was assigned Thundersnap as her mentor and while she was a little firecracker of an apprentice, she enjoyed their time together.

Novice warrior (Aspenclan | 13 to ≈ 25 months)


Things happened here

Rogue period (No allegiance | ≈ 26 to ≈ 31 months)


Things happened here

Adult life (Creekclan | ≈ 31 to 48 months)


RP start to end of ARC 1

Adult life (Creekclan | 49 months to present)


Start of ARC 2

  • Windclaw’s favourite flowers are bloodroot flowers and larkspur, though she also does like others such as primrose and chicory.
  • Knows how to weave wreaths, crowns and other plant based accessories but never found it very fun.
  • Used to crush on others quite frequently as a young cat, though most of the time she wouldn’t think of pursuing a serious relationship with the subjects of her affection.
  • An excellent swimmer. Liked to play in the streams as an apprentice.
  • Is a light sleeper and tends to wake up early naturally.
  • Doesn’t have any favorite prey animal but prefers small mammals over fish and birds. Prefers hunting over fishing as well.


The only kit of Windclaw's litter with Stagcloud. Shadekit was born in Aspenclan soon after Sandstar's war declaration but was raised as a rogue following Windclaw's desertion until becoming a warrior of Creekclan.

She loves her kit fiercely, but fears she might never be the mother he should've had. He was raised during the worst time of her life and Windclaw is aware of the distance her trauma and her rank places between the two. She doesn't know how to fix things but would do anything for him.



One of Windclaw's closest friends since she was a kit. Lionthroat was born only a few weeks after Windclaw and from the nursery to her desertion, they were inseparable.

Their reintroduction following Briarrose's coming into power was a tense one and their friendship suffered greatly after the war and they avoided each other for a few months - attempting their best to act like a leader and a warrior should. However, unfamiliar pressures had eventually convinced Windclaw to seek comfort with her old friend. It didn't take long for them to fall in love once again, and to discover they could love someone else on top of that.

They are currently a triad along with Galestep and have had a litter of three kits together.



Galestep and Windclaw have known of each other's existence since they were little, but only in the way apprentices know of apprentices in other clans. While the tom was still named Nightgale, he was a fierce fighter for Canyonclan during their invasion of Aspenclan and she held no love for him or his clan as they carved through her birth clan relentlessly.

Things changed slowly once they met again after the war - both as deserters of their birth clans. Although she was favorable to having him killed of leaving him to starve when the tom first appeared in Creekclan, the tom was determined to prove his loyalty to Creekclan. That eventually turned their conversations into something different as they discovered more and more things in common with each discussion.

Windclaw has come to love him and through that, respect his past and forgive herself to an extent. She was the one to give him his new name of Galestep, a name regarded as honorable in a clan that values one's ability to 'step into their own paths'.

They are currently a triad along with Lionthroat and have had a litter of three kits together.



Windclaw's only daughter and the first kit of her litter with Galestep and Lionthroat.

As much as she would rather not admit it, Windclaw had heaps of trouble telling Hopepaw apart from Thawpaw during the first weeks of their lives. There are moments of Hopepaw's early kithood that she might remember as Thawpaw's and the other way around is also true. During the time it took for the kits to grow into their distinct personalities, Windclaw only remembers Hopepaw as a sweet but rambunctious little kit though not nearly as her brothers.

After they left the nursery, though, Windclaw was surprised to find her daughter growing into a quiet, anxious young cat. Hopepaw reminds her of Galestep and Windclaw sometimes has trouble finding ways to convince her child to come out of her shell a bit more. Still, she thinks Hopepaw to be a lovely kit.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.