Castiel Blaze



3 years, 11 months ago


"I have no pity for people hurting those who can't fight back."

Full name: Castiel Blaze

Nickname(s): Cas, "The Gravedigger"

Age: 27

Height: 187 cm

Weight: 81 kg

Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Asexual

Birthday: April 4th

Personality: quiet, cautious, apathetic, loyal, 

Castiel has been born from a incestuous relationship between a father and a daughter, which resulted in Castiel's disfigurement. Because of it he was relentlessly bullied by his peers from the foster care and none of the adults took it seriously enough to interveene. Generally everyone avoided him and it made him feel like he's a monster that shouldn't be alive. 

He had a pet dog that he loved. It was a stray (his foster mother didn't tolerate furry animals) that he called Ollie. It died from food poisoning, which left him in despair. He gave him a little burial under a rosebush in the graveyard. The owner of the graveyard wasn't happy about some kid meddling in his yard and shooed Castiel away (after though he understood what Cas was doing and the man let the dog grave be). Something snapped in Castiel that day and so he made a decision to end it all, once and for all. He set the house on fire and the entire place burned to bits, leaving him the only survivor by a pure luck. He was severly burned by that fire, leaving scars on the most of his body and spent months in the hospital trying to recover. The investigation was made, but there was no evidence on who started the arson. After an interview with a psychologist and psychiatrist Castiel was put in the psychiatric hospital for his depression, anxiety and a mental trauma from his life. In the meantime the old man from before started to regularely write letters to Castiel, to cheer the poor fella up. They became penpals after a while.

Castiel left the hospital once he reached the age of 18. Not knowing where else to go and lacking a proper education, he went to the old man for help. The old guy was running a funeral home so he let Castiel stay as a gravedigger, at least until he'll get back on his own feet. Castiel never left and dedicated his life to taking care of the graveyard as a sign of respect for the man that he now views as a father figure. He helps out in the morgue too as an assistant/janitor.

Castiel's an urban legend in his town, people fear and avoid him. He dislikes people in general and enjoys scaring them for his own amusement. He's not a violent person, but if provoked or threatened he will beat your ass. He would definitelly be able to kill a person in the "right" circumstances. It would be very easy for him to dispose of a body too.

Other info:

- He has a cleft lip; He was treated for it in his younger years, but it was never properly fixed; He doesn't care about fixing it anymore; (don't look it up, it does not look pretty);

- Castiel can talk, but prefers not to, so usually he comunicates as little as possible or through the sign language;

- Castiel's hobbies include gardening, watching birds, scaring people, reading and working around the graveyard; 

- He likes animals;

- You'd think that due to his past he would be wary of fire, but it actually didn't change his infatuation with it (he wasn't concious to experience the burn really);