
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: July 9th

Height: ???

Merform Height: 6' 9"

Hair color: Dark/Wine Red

Eye color: Gold

Tail Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Gay

Job: Traveling Protector

Loves: Seafood Pasta, Fun Games, Warm Summer Days

Hates: Beached During Winter, His Sword getting stuck, Angry Wildlife

   Reiji is a merman who is usually seen casually swimming through the ocean wielding his sword, The Quinary. He's a light hearted person, often smiling with comforting aura around him, but extremely determined to protect the people around him and see his goals completed, even if he's greatly injured. He also seems incredibly knowledgeable with magic already, with him seeming to have a good grasp on 5 elements: Fire, Water, Nature, Electric and Shadow Magic. He is still rather unsure where he came from, who was he before being plopped into the ocean, and why he is so natural and gifted at the things he can do. But often that is pushed out of my mind as he is focus on the present and just moving forward, in hopes for a better tomorrow for all.

Long Story:

   Reiji was once known as the hero of his world, the chosen one set to bring peace and justice to his world. However, that was before earth and before what the Grand Mages' describe as "The Third Rebirth/Big Bang." He ends up reappearing in our time but above the ocean water, asleep as he is soon falling and splashes into the crystal seas. He drifts slowly down to the bottom, the sun upon his face stirs him. Not too long after his sword appeared and followed him, his hand as if naturally grabbed it while he was just becoming awake. He opens his eyes as he was close to hitting the ocean floor, dazed with a foggy lens. It only took sometime for him to realize that he doesn't know where he is, nor where he came from, he had a name at least but the rest would never come to him no matter how hard he tried. 

   He soon realized he was a rather natural at using his sword, swinging it and striking with it as if he trained for years at that point. He even learned that for each orb on his sword, that it allowed him to tap into the natural magic around him: Red for Fire, Blue for Water and Ice, Green for Nature and Healing, Yellow for Electricity, Purple for Shadow. He took a day or two to get the hang of adapting to how the magic work, feeling himself unfamiliar with it before he began to venture out into what he felt like were uncharted waters in a strange but new world.