Milk's Comments

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Hey! Anyone in my th interested you? 

I can add art!

any off limits?

I guess just main and personas folders!


:00 Yes! I can trade Knives for Milk!

i’ll transfer them after seeing the pending transfer!

1 Replies

any off limits?

Anyone in my th?


if you can add and maybe a fullbody/halfbody ill accept ;-; Miyuki is worth 100 atm ^^ 

ack sorry no :( i like just got gabe and i’m very attached.

ack sorry no :( i like just got gabe and i’m very attached.

Fair enough, the only other one I saw was Xia, who i'd die for but I see they are not available! ;-; Would you add art for Miyuki? 

i suppose so yeah!

3 Replies

I can offer someone in my th? oh whats the price range in any currency?

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Never done this before, so tell me if I'm doing it wrong!
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