DewClaw's Comments

i need to know. what was his original story

His father killed the deputy of his clan and his mothers bestie(PebbleSpring) and dew saw and was manipulated into keeping it a secret and eventually his mom found out but she was told it was dew who killed Pebble and she confronted him on a cliff and he was like "OMG no it was actually Pine lol" but she was like "that's not true hes litterally my husband who's mega sketchy and violent he would never lmao" and he was like "you cant tell anyone" and lunged at her to pin her down but she like pushed him off the cliff and he grabbed her arm and scratched it up but he fell anyways and DIED but he fell in a stream and didnt die straight way he sorta like drowned in the shallow water and bled out and then his wife River found him. HERES HIS STORY BAE<3