Vera - Spring Gym Leader



3 years, 11 months ago


Job: Spring Season gym leader in the Magie Village Gym

Job (Off-Season): Model/Calendar Girl

  • Vera's pinup almanacs are prized internationally for their uncannily accurate weather predictions and their charming pinups.
Gym Details:
  • Badge: Forecast Badge
  • Type: Normal and/or Fire, Water, Ice
  • The first time you fight Vera, she will always be Normal type with a team to match, regardless of overworld weather conditions.  A victory will grant you the base form of the Forecast Badge (no colored round stones).
  • To complete the Forecast Badge, you will need to challenge Vera on a sunny day, a rainy day, and an icy day.  
    • Vera is a good sport.  If you need her to be a specific element so you can complete the challenge, just let the gym staff know at the door and a suitable microclimate will be arranged.
  • If you challenge Vera to a rematch after completing the full Forecast Badge, she will use a team of six and all four types (Normal, Fire, Water, Ice.)
  • Vera's gym makes extensive use of weather effects.  The battleground will have weather for Fire, Water, and Ice matches at the start of the fight
  • Looking for her teams?  See Literature --> Gym Teams 
About Vera:
Vera comes from a family of weather witches.  Her mother is a Castform witch and her father a Sawsbuck.  Her sisters are both highly gifted weather witches, while she has only moderate talents as a weather witch.  Her mother, watching Vera struggle and grow frustrated over her powers in adolescence, encouraged Vera to go out, explore the world, and find a skill or form of magic that truly spoke to her, rather than trying to force herself into the family business of being a weather witch for hire.  After a few months bouncing from region to region, Vera discovered Nimbasa City and stage magic.  

Vera loved everything about Nimbasa city.  The glitz, the glamour, the showmanship, the illusion, the skill, (the gorgeous local gym leader . . .)  Vera auditioned and got herself hired as a showgirl, moving up from background dancer, to member of the chorus line, to magician's assistant, to magician herself, perfecting her showmanship and sleight of hand along the way.  Eventually, she felt it was time to move on, and started bouncing from city to city again, always finding a gig here or there as a dancer or performer.  In time, her wanderings brought her to Magie Village, where the local gym had an opening for a Spring-themed trainer.  Vera threw her savings at the local magical haberdasher (in development!) for a set of Castform-themed magician outfits and went all in on her audition.

In addition to being a seasonal gym leader, Vera lends a hand where she can with her weather magic, being capable enough to set up small microclimates (yard sized) and a reliable enough forecaster to help the village set up appropriate defenses against severe weather.  (You'd be surprised how effective a simple teleportation spell is when it comes to mitigating the effects of rain, snow, or hail.)

Besides her weather-related work, Vera has a healthy side-business as a pin-up model and sells a yearly pin-up almanac aimed at discerning witches and warlocks, with information on weather patterns, astrology, and, of course, comely, seasonally appropriate photos.

Character Notes:

  • Vera is unrepentantly extra and gleefully femme.  Nylons, big hair, manicures, she loves it all.
  • When drawing Vera, feel free to really lean into pinup proportions.
  • Her "natural" colors are seen in her "Normal" form.  
  • Vera will match her outfit to weather conditions in town.
  • Vera's hat is almost never on her head.  Rather, it floats somewhere near her on the little cloud around its brim (yes, that is an actual cloud)
  • Vera is happy to teach stage magic techniques
  • Vera loves festivals and saves up her weather powers to ensure perfect seasonal weather for the day of the festival