


7 years, 3 months ago



Name Seymour
Gender Unknown(He/Him)
Age 1006
Origin One of Eden's crystal shards.
Height 5' 7
Build Standard
Race Unknown
Role Eye of Eden
Demeanor Bashful


I've seen it all....

Seymour was formed from a shattered piece of Eden, specifically his eye. Though Eden's own eye has since reformed, the one that went missing after his clash with One landed on a planet covered heavily in lakes. These two things combined formed Seymour. His seeing eyes come from his tears, and while he has no way off the lonesome planet, he sends them out into the universe where they drift. He keeps an eye on all corners, able to hide the eyes from view and see through whichever he chooses at will

He feels satisfied with how he lives, able to experience vicariously through what he can see. He contemplates the reason for his existence, and hopes one day he can report his findings to whatever gave him life. Eden is generally unaware of his existence.


  • Eyes are constantly able to drip from Seymour's hair, hands, original eyes, and occasionally his mouth. Most of these can be turned off at will. They are also able to grow new eyes anywhere on their body.
  • They are able to see out of the tear-created eyes, and for short moments through any of the others. Eyes can float nearby their body and follow them as they move, and can be stuck to things as well, giving them a huge range of sight.
  • Eyes, and various areas on their body are able to glow.
  • Seymour needs water to create his eyes and survive. He is able to breathe underwater, so occasionally he spends some time submerged in the lake to recharge. Otherwise, he must drink water often.
  • The eyes are sticky and potentially toxic to the touch for most other creatures so direct contact is strongly discouraged. With thought, he can create eyes that are not toxic and safe for contact. They are gooey and squishy to the touch.