


3 years, 10 months ago


Words on the Wind
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Travelling Storyteller of Fanterra , Chibi loves nothing more than spending afternoons with a feather quill in one wing and a piece of fresh parchment in the other.

Praesent ut maximus dui. Aliquam venenatis aliquam massa, vulputate hendrerit elit pharetra nec. Aenean magna ante, congue id euismod non, feugiat eget nibh. Nam in ipsum in dolor posuere auctor. Nullam blandit enim pellentesque elit consectetur ultricies. Nam quis enim condimentum metus mattis ultrices id vitae erat. Curabitur purus orci, gravida eu justo sed, aliquam malesuada mauris. Praesent vitae eros aliquam, placerat risus id, bibendum mauris. Sed eget odio vitae quam blandit vehicula. Ut quam lorem, feugiat et sem vitae, sagittis cursus felis. Vivamus non magna sit amet justo faucibus egestas nec ut metus. Vestibulum et hendrerit erat, at tempor tortor. Vivamus porta commodo sollicitudin.

Name Chiyuko
Age Undefined
Gender Bird
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Storyteller
  • Answers to the names Chibi and Chi.
  • Her tail tufts produce magic ink. This allows her to always have something to write with.
  • Gives gifts in the form of sonnets to those who win her affections.
  • Carries a large satchel containing both written and empty scrolls.
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Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Chibi: So many things to catalogue, so little time and brainpower! How can one world have so much to share with every creature that calls it their home?

Q: What do you hope to achieve in the future?

Chibi: A more permanent way to transport stories and knowledge! Parchment fades with time, and stories change stances with each creature that tells them.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Chibi: Discussions that turned into arguments that I can never take back. Grudges that transcend lifetimes, it's all very frightening when whispered to the world.

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