


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Sumia Nolwenn




Draconic Elf




Personality: modest | graceful | polite | conservative | preachy | kindhearted | protective | vengeful | scrappy | stubborn | cheerful 

⋆ modest/conservative often to the point of being prudish
⋆ optimistic to an absolute fault.
⋆ blindly religious / closed to others' beliefs



Sumia Nolwenn is keen on prayer, meditation, reading, and singing. Carrying herself with a level of grace and dignity, she is optimistic and cheerful to the point of fault, but can also be obnoxiously preachy and conservative/modest. Though she has rather violent tendencies for an acolyte, and enjoys fighting on occasion, like most things in her life, she does it in the name of peace, justice, and Bahamut.

Due to its chaotic, unpleasant nature, Sumia does not care to recall her childhood, let alone speak of it to others. Born the third of four children in a distant land, her mother was a meek, religious woman, and her father a raucous drunk. Much like her mother, Sumia soon learned to cling steadfastly to her worship of Bahamut as a method of coping with her abusive father. Around this time, she also began to notice an inclination toward the arcane arts, and a natural aptitude for wild magic-- a destructive one, one which she considered a curse at the time, and tried to suppress.

Eventually, Sumia enrolled to study and devote herself to her religion at a temple far from home, in order to escape her household. Seeing as not all were friendly toward those of Draconic heritage outside her village, she decided to conceal her ancestry from most from that point forward, which came rather easily to her. The further Sumia progressed in her teachings at the temple, and the stronger her unwanted wild magic grew, it eventually became clear to her that her powers might be of use to her in her life as an acolyte.

Instead of working at the temple as a live-in priestess, Sumia decided she would become a travelling missionary, spreading the good word of Bahamut and his values to far-off lands in need of a little 'saving'.

It wasn't long into her lone journey before Sumia ran into trouble in the form of a drunken human, determined to cause some sort of trouble. His imposing stature and her initial unwillingness to fight back was leading down a dark path, until a passerby-- a spindly drow half-elf-- ultimately intervened out of pity, beating up the miscreant in a dazzling display of arcana. Grateful for his help and enchanted by his magic, Sumia pledged to repay the strange man-- then proceeded to relentlessly beg him to help guide her in the arcane arts, and learn to control her wild magic 'curse'. Unable to turn down a girl who was quite literally clinging to his leg, the man, Sage Umbracor, begrudgingly accepted.

Though Sumia was something of a huge annoyance to Sage, their personalities complimented each others' well as traveling companions; where Sage fell short in charisma and communication skills, Sumia made up-- and where Sumia was lacking in common sense and general knowledge, Sage could cover. He taught her the basics of honing her wild magic into Sorcery, and in return, she often acted as his messenger, and found shelter for the both of them.

After a few years, the two elves' paths split to different continents, and they ended up parting ways-- though Sumia swore to find him again one day, as she still has yet to repay her 'debt' to him.