


3 years, 11 months ago



Name Kleio
Age 35
Gender Female
Species Merperson


Kleio used to perform with a band of sirens to a sea full of boats, just like a drive-in concert. This career came to an end when The Quake hit and the boats stopped coming. Fortunately life under water wasn't too badly affected, but she struggled to maintain her music career and decided to become a teacher instead. Music teachers were common, but since AMP teachers were hard to find, she was able to carve out a comfortable niche.

Over the years she heard stories of what life had become on the surface, and of the hero Gaveston Pryde. When one of her students started showing powers so incredible and baffling she was unable to help her any further, Kleio made the decision to take her onto land to find Gaveston and his school. Kleio was disappointed to find he had disappeared many years ago, but was still glad to find a place full of other AMP users where she could teach and have a chance to perform once again.

Kleio doesn't really believe in the concept of 'limits.' If something seems difficult, she will always try to push through or encourage others to do so. No situation is impossible, only challenging.

She has experience living in many places in many different ways, so is ideally suited to being a mentor and embraces it, though still enjoys her own limelight. She loves nothing more than to go absolutely crazy on the drums and indulge in some rather 'out there' acts of showmanship. She loves theatrics and anything bright and unusual. She's also very encouraging of individuality in her students, and has no tolerance for bullying because of it.


Instrument Drums
Power: Dry Ice
The vibrations from her drum can freeze things containing water. If more water is available, she can freeze other things too and create icicles or beams of ice. She can also create mist.

Genre Glam rock
Song tbd



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  • She has a mer form and a humanoid form.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
