Glædwine Pechman



3 years, 10 months ago


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Glædwine Pechman

General Information

Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Paras
Age: 31 years old
Sexuality: Gay
Birthday: December 14th
Height: 5’5’’

“This life’s too good to last”

Grass || Status || 5 PP
Heals all of their allies’ status conditions

Grass || Status || 5 PP
Restores the user’s HP

Normal || Physical
1d8 || 20 PP
Has a high critical hit ratio

Grass || Status || 30 PP
Paralyzes opponent


Effect Spore - Contact with the Pokemon may inflict Poison, Sleep, or Paralysis on the attacker.


HP:  ⛯ ⛯ ⛯ ⛭ ⛭

ATK:  ⛯ ⛯ ⛯ ⛭ ⛭

DEF:  ⛯ ⛯ ⛯ ⛭ ⛭

SPATK:  ⛭ ⛭ ⛭ ⛭ ⛭

SPDEF:  ⛯ ⛯ ⛭ ⛭ ⛭

SPD:  ⛯ ⛯ ⛯ ⛯ ⛭

World Information

Profession: Farmhand, Scolipede Herder, does heavy lifting and like helps move stuff around
Crew: Genesis
Title: None

Personality Information

+ Polite, Empathetic, Loyal

o Stubborn, Reserved, Dry

- Anxious, Insecure, Frail 

+ Polite + Glædwine is a kind soul, and tries not to offend others whenever possible. He'd like to keep his social options open, and is hard pressed to be rude without any sort of significant provocation.

+ Empathetic + Glædwine doesn't find it hard to relate to others, and can be a bit of a bleeding heart. 

+ Loyal + Never one to abandon those he loves, Glædwine will go to the ends of the earth once he's on your side. 

o Stubborn o While it can work to his advantage, Glædwine’s bullheadedness is rather difficult to work with. It’s not easy to change his mind, yet he can also be very driven as a result. 

o Reserved o Glædwine isn’t the most social person around. While he can interact with others just fine, he would rather keep to himself more often than not.

o Dry o Glædwine is a bit matter-of-fact. He can come across as fairly plain, when in reality he’s just trying to be straightforward for others.

- Anxious - Unfortunately, Glædwine is a very nervous individual. He has a difficult time reining in his fears, and often lets them consume him.

- Insecure - Glædwine is not a very self assured man. He’s full of doubt and second guesses himself and his decisions very frequently.

- Frail - Despite having had a physical occupation, his ailment has made him much weaker than he used to be. He has a difficult time keeping his health up.

“Remember me, love, when I’m reborn”

Background Information

[tw: Death mention, Cordyceps, Disease] 

It’s several months after leaving Cimex that you decide to finally prod around in Glædwine’s memories. You’ve been holding off on it for years, but with him growing weaker every season, you think you might have to start picking things up for him when it gets to be too much. Or maybe it’s something more selfish, but you really don’t see the point in analyzing it any further.

You scour back as far as you can in the creases of his mind, and flip through the fuzzy childhood memories like an old book. The town is a small, stationary farming town miles away from the capital but close enough to make a living, but you already knew that. They only have one school, which is a bit of a disaster for a small boy like Glædwine, but he helps on the farm so he can fend for himself pretty well when bullies get a bit nastier. He stays to himself more often than not, but he has some nice friends. One stands out a bit, a spewpa named Valentine a grade above him who manages to start a club for LGBT+ students. Glædwine works up the courage to go and they hit it off. The friendship is fairly short, but they’re on good terms when she leaves to go to college in the big city. It’s funny how quickly he went from dreaming about leaving the small, stuffy town to simply accepting that’s where his life would be lived. It isn’t even a big revelation, just a slow burn that eventually left him melancholic, but overall fine with the notion of his future. It’s a bit funny in hindsight.

There are more recurring faces, but ones from outside the town. A group of nomadic folks who visit every year in the spring, welcomed with open arms. Glædwine’s still in the later half of school when he meets Ulysses, another boy just slightly younger than him. His eyes are bright, and he’s got a laugh louder than Glædwine shouts, and he worms his way into Glædwine’s life every year without fail. Ulysses congratulates Glædwine when he finally starts working full time on his parent’s farm, and laughs about how it must be nice to have a solid foundation for him. Glædwine agrees, and ends up talking for hours about his Scolipede and each of their quirks and how much he loves them. Ulysses listens to every word. The next year when the dustox comes by, he remembers all of it. Glædwine has a pretty specific feeling of his stomach twisting in on itself and making him feel nauseous but good.

You really don’t get the appeal, but you are very well acquainted with how Ulysses makes him feel by now.

It surprises you a bit that it takes several more years for Ulysses to approach Glædwine and ask if he could stay on the farm with him. Glædwine’s stomach leaps and twists and he gets a bit lightheaded. He asks where this came from and Ulysses just laughs and confesses he’d been wanting to stay with Glædwine for some time now. It takes a few months after living with the Pechman’s and working on their farm for Ulysses to officially ask Glædwine out, to which he’s confused and had thought they were after the last several ‘dates’. It’s straight out of one of those books you’ve read through his eyes, but kind of cute. 

These few years are the happiest you can find, and it definitely doesn’t send a bitter jolt through you. Nope.

You generally know how it goes from here, but there’s not much else to do in the middle of the night on this big metal death trap, so you figure continuing on will help pass the time. Sleeping hours are really boring. You keep going.

It strikes you as funny that you can pinpoint the day you came into being. Everyone just thought it was pollen in the air, drifting out from the forest lazily. There’s no reason for anyone to think it was spores, but it tickles you thinking of how clueless they all were. You think if you could feel ill you would as well.

It’s months of peaceful small town life and farming before the other fungi start to grow, and it’s mostly on buildings and around crops. It creeps out from the sides of trees and stands out with its bright red and orange colors. When someone goes to the doctors because they swore it was coming out of their elbow, the town was flooded with whispers and rumors. Many people thought it must just be someone getting too paranoid. They were already looking for ways to harvest and cook the mushrooms, and they’d get by like they always did. The others were nervous, some fled elsewhere after when it slowly sprouted around the corners of their houses.

You’re no stranger to Glædwine’s anxiety, but the fear is different in this memory. It’s a damp afternoon and he’s curled up on the couch while Ulysses sings in the shower, just a room over. Glædwine’s had a headache for most of the day, but now there’s an itch under his skin. He scratches at his head, wincing as you in your early stages prodded at his cerebral cortex and giving him a twinge of pain. He assumes he must have scratched a bit too hard, but as he pulls his hand away he notices something fell from where he scratched. He’s seen enough of the mushrooms around to recognize it on sight, but he still sits there and just stares at it for much longer. It’s not surprising to you that everything becomes a blur after that. You think this happens when people panic. Everything comes to a bit later, and Glædwine’s hand is firmly held in Ulysses’ and they’re sat in the hospital together. You skip past the poking and prodding from the doctors. It’s boring and you remember it quite vividly yourself. 

It’s in the hospital that Glædwine also learns that many people have been admitted already, and are showcasing some worrying symptoms. Mushrooms sprout from their bodies, and cause spasms and involuntary movement. There is no cure, and the actions are unpredictable. They aren’t contagious unless spores are released. You skip past the hours of Glædwine and Ulysses crying and holding each other.

You can’t pinpoint when you became you, but you can find when Glædwine realizes you’re really there. You hadn’t really found a way to communicate with him yet, but you’d been figuring out how to prod at different places in his head to make things move. You weren’t very good at it yet, but hey it was hard puppeting a meat sack around! The hospital had sent Glædwine home a week or two ago, and he was working on the lovely demons known as taxes when you decided you wanted to try to figure out how to write like he did. You knew the basics and had scrounged around in Glædwine’s brain enough to figure out how to read it well enough and you wanted practice. Listen, doing it while he was asleep was irritating because it was a lot of work just getting everything out, and half of the time he and Ulysses were tangled together and moving Glædwine meant waking one or both of them up. It was just easier to try now.

He was trying to write something or other and you decided you should say hi as practice. You reached out and pulled at the right places, and his arm jerked. It just left a long streak across the page, and Glædwine just sighed and tried again. You pulled again but tried again quickly after. Two lines next to each other. You were really getting the hang of this! Glædwine just seemed more irritated and scowled at his own hand, but you pushed this time and added the little bridge across the two lines. He gawked as you continued your work, pliant in your grasp. It was nice of him to let you do this. You finished with a solid thunk, pen dropped heavily, tip down on the page. Glædwine swallowed thickly, and read it allowed.


Needless to say, it didn’t exactly go over well. Glædwine had crumpled up the page and shoved it to the bottom of the trash bin, and hastily told Ulysses that he was getting worse. You, annoyed that your attempt at communication had failed, repeatedly grasped at the part of his brain that made him sweat and shudder in discomfort. You made him feel bad because he made you feel bad. Sure it was childish, but you were just a wee fungus who didn’t know any better!

Two days later Glædwine got out his laptop and opened a blank document to type on, and sat there unmoving. You weren’t as familiar with this one, but thankfully all the keys were labeled. You typed your greeting out again, but this time he sat and wrote back. You didn’t have a name back then, but Glædwine was patient and asked who you were, what you wanted, and all sorts of other things you didn’t really have answers for. He didn’t talk to you every day, but it became fairly frequent, and things settled into a routine. It wasn’t normal, from what Glædwine seems to have thought, but you liked it well enough. You even named yourself after a cool sword you found on the internet while Glædwine lets you have some time to do whatever it is you want to do. He doesn't seem as enthusastic as you'd hoped when you tell him you picked the name Caliburn.

The town panics again when it becomes dangerous. Someone finally dies as a result of the other mushrooms, and their body keeps moving. Glædwine hears everyone saying they’re “acting like zombies,” but you don’t really grasp what that means. They stop moving again a day later, and more spores flood the town. They all know where it came from this time, and they still haven’t found a cure. Glædwine watches his home fall apart, and remembers in that moment that people left after being infected. He didn’t know a single person without some sort of fungal growth in this town, and he knew this wasn’t going to just go away. Several quick searches online showed that nobody had spoken about it either, and you know Glædwine’s going to do something drastic. You don’t know what but you can feel it in his racing pulse. 

Drastic, apparently, is getting into an argument with Ulysses over leaving to find help. It isn’t pretty and you shy away from it at the moment. Looking at it again isn’t much easier, and you aren’t sure you fully understand the emotions Glædwine’s feeling. He’s angry but determined. He’s not hopeful. He’s very, very scared. He packs his bags and is off planet within the next week. On the trip out of the system, Glædwine talks to you again. He asks if you intend to spread spores. You hadn’t really considered it. It doesn’t seem all that important, since you’re one of many. He tells you he’s going to find a cure. You ask if he intends to kill you. He doesn’t answer. His pulse is still racing. You still don’t know what that means. 

Glædwine applies to a crew, and you’re fine with playing along. He’d told you he’s looking to find connections. People help when they know you, after all. You’re doubtful, and you can tell he is too, but you still remember his argument with Ulysses. You still haven’t brought it up.

You settle down, having sorted through everything. Glædwine hasn’t exactly made progress beyond making connections. You idly wonder if it’s possible for him to accomplish this. A bitter part of you doesn’t want him to, knowing he’s aiming to kill those like you. You aren’t sure if you hate him for it, though. For now, you wait for him to wake up.


- Start as far back as Glædwine can remember, growing up in a small farming town on Cimex.

- He’s a shy kid but he’s able to make friends, even if many of them don’t last through adulthood.

- Around his late teens he meets a boy from one of the nomadic groups of people on planet. They become friends, though they can only see each other for a little bit of time each year.

- As all this happens, he slowly loses his dream of leaving and has kind of accepted that he will live and die here. Isn’t as upset about it as he thought he would be and gets to specifically work on the

- The other boy, Ulysses, decides he’d rather live somewhere stationary, and Glædwine’s family takes him in.

- He and Glædwine get together, and are very happy

- Fungus time 🍄🍄🍄

- Spores come out of the forest and mushrooms begin growing in the town

- Eventually, they start growing on people, including Glædwine, but doctors don’t know how to help, so many people simply have to live with it at home.

- Caliburn starts to become conscious, though he doesn’t have a name at the time, and he tries to communicate with Glædwine

- Glædwine eventually accepts this is what’s happening, and reaches out to Caliburn over time. They form a shaky, but manageable relationship

- Everything goes to shit again when someone gets fully consumed by their fungal friend and spreads more spores, while also losing their sense of self and becoming zombie-like

- Hell breaks loose and everyone knows it’s only a matter of time before it happens again. People panic and start fleeing.

- Nobody can find a cure for this as well

- Glædwine resolves to leave the planet and try to find a cure. He gets into an argument with Ulysses, but leaves anyways.

- He confirms that Caliburn doesn’t intend to spread spores

- He applies to the Genesis crew to stay with while he tries to look for a cure or for someone to help fund the search for one

Extra Information

Playlist: “How long would you wait for me? How long I’ve been away?” 

Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Studying different types of medicines and remedies, Woodworking


 - The mushroom coming out of his head, while part of Caliburn, is capable of being removed. It will grow back slowly.

- Caliburn's center is rooted deep in his brain, and because he can feel all bits of the fungus around Glædwine's body he prefers to keep them intact. He doesn't need those to survive, however.

- Most of his muscle is hidden under his hard buggy shell so he looks like more of a twink than he actually is damn

- Keeps a scolipede plush because he misses them

- Hasn't gotten much education in regards to politics around the different systems, so he doesn't have much in the way of opinions on other places. This is VERY MUCH going to change.

- Has no problems with using his claws or teeth to open things. It's easier!

- Has a southern accent. It’s how you know he’s a hick

- Caliburn cannot communicate with him telepathically or within his head. The most he can do is make recreate specific feelings or reactions within Glædwine’s brain. It’s very confusing and messy

“Thank you, I’ll say goodbye soon”