Solomon Vouxler



3 years, 10 months ago


designed by jebidieahh
species creator jebidieahh
value priceless.
trade/resell no

  • Wears a red magicer's hat, striped cottonbrush overalls, and a fine, pale green drider silk shirt
  • Visits his elderly father daily
  • Crochets, hates knitting
  • Uses his broom as his focus
  • Not afraid to curse a bitch
  • Between saving one loved one or saving a full town
  • he'd burn the town himself

written in cytoplasm and stars

He had chosen to follow her out of the wilderness. His claws had set her bone back in socket and she leaned heavy on him as he let her lead the two. Her basket was full of Slimewort; all bright violet, the color of his cytoplasm. He helped her to bed and stood guard through the night, since slimes need no sleep. As morning came, she introduced the small monster to her family as he hid back behind her legs. The lapines took him in and gave him a name. To a fairy, like a slime, names meant power and were laced in the deepest of magics. His cytoplasm bled blue and began to darken like the moonsless night. This was his home, now.

His lady took him aside, her body grey in her old age. She was to die tonight. She spoke to her slime one last time, wishing he'd apear as a proper lapine to her. Feeling sour, but wanting to please, the slime rearanged himself. He grew tall and gait, with delicate legs and long arms ending in hands. His stinger shifted to the crown of his head to be hidden behind two thin, and sometimes merging, membranes that served as pretend Lapine ears. The slime knelt at her bed and clutched her hands tight. Dark blue ink welled in his eye as he bid his Lady goodbye. A paw set on his right shoulder, and looking back, he met his new owner. The man pat his head and called him "Solomon".

a man now, no longer monster

Having passed his applications for personhood, Solomon was on his way to teaching in the astral lecture hall of Allure's top school of magecraft. With his lineage running deep with fae magic, and the pull of the four moons heavy on his body, Solomon knew he was more than ready for the task. Stradling his broom and clutching the brim of his old hat, the mage took off to the tower of the Arch Magni of Layton. This was the town he'd known since he first learned to speak and weave spells, so he thought it was only right to practice here. She was waiting, cloaked in white and glittering chains of coal. "Voux..ler?" "Indeed, and well met, Arch Magni Dannaca." She looked him over before tapping her staff to the floor. Magefire of green bloomed into being around the slime with a roar, "A monster?" she asked. His stare cut through her as an aura of warped space flickered around the furious slime, "I am a man."

tragedy hits like hunger

Tired. No, that was impossible, he was simply hungry. Ugh. His diet was lacking, he needed more protien, the nuts weren't cutting it. Artifical meats weren't working. Fish wasn't palletable. Uugh.. Someone was talking to him? Someone? They iron. They smelled like billions of micro perferations across their skin and blood. Gods forgive me.

The Arch Magni had stripped him of his teaching liscense. Now the mage worked in archives. Something about these books-- this was the magical text being directed throught all Allure, but most of this information was wrong. What to do..? Simple, simple! He was the most potent astral mage of his time, so why not dig through the timeline to find the truths? Of course, easy! And so he did.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
