Crom Markey-Dubh



3 years, 10 months ago



  •  Name   Crom Markey-Dubh 
  •  Age   23 
  •  Gender   Cis Male 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"I sure be hopin' we can get along!"


Crom is a very outgoing and friendly person. At least, he tries to be. Despite his past, he tries his best to look positively in front of him. He's nonjudgemental and always wants to see the good in people. However despite this he's not the best at handling lots of pressure and it causes him to be naive and trusting of even the worst kinds of people. Recently he's been quite reserved, not sure how to approach others after learning more about himself and his nature. But he still is desperate to see the smiles of others around him. He is very unsure of himself and really just wants to fit in best he can. 


Crom is  big and bulky fellow. Standing at 6'3" with his head on, he sports a thick but soft build. His hair is a bright orange, three braids on the top and the rest hanging loose to just below his neck line. He has extremely pale skin and emerald green eyes with pale yellow irises. You can usually find him wearing dark grey and black clothing but keeps it to a jockish look via muscle shirts and basketball shorts or just shorts in general. He also always wears crocs. He certainly loves his Crocs. On his left upper arm, he has a tattoo on of a rearing horse and on his right upper arm, a flaming jack-o-lantern. On the back of his left calf is a tattoo of a Celtic knot. On the back of his neck, behind his hair, a there is an umbrella shaped brand that has been re-burned to try and hide its shape. 

  •  Ethnicity   Irish/Scottish 
  •  Residence   Sleepy Hollow, NY 
  •  Job   Student/Mortician's Assistant 
  •  Sexuality   Pansexual/romantic 
  • ●  Has a black horse named Celty that is his loyal steed
  • ●  Has a very thick Irish accent that he got from his adoptive mother.
  • ●  Assists his adoptive parents at the mortuary that his parents own.
  • ●  Born on June 23rd
  • ●  Weighs 201 lbs.
  • ●Has several powers including: Magic and spell casting, clear night vision, communication with Celty,and can summon a whip made of a human spine.
  • The color black
  • Murder mysteries
  • Horses and horseback riding
  • Crocs
  • Pranking
  • Being outdoors
  • Cockroaches
  • Scaring people
  • Restrictive clothing
  • Seeing others cry
  • Rude people
  • Sitting still


     Crom was born on June 23rd in the midwestern area of the United States to mother Ewen Dubh and father Cenn Dubh. All dullahans, or as Americans refer to them, headless horsemen, they lived their lives peacefully without much bother. It was when Crom was merely a toddler that things went south. Cenn had often taken his little one out on horseback to kindle a love of horses from a young age. This particular night, a storm rolled in and then thunder spoked Cenn's horse. This caused the creature to rear back, nearly knocking Cenn off before running in a random direction. The toddler Crom who had been behind his father on the horse had fallen off, and was now alone. He began to cry, not knowing what to do and scared by the loud thunder. It wasn't long after that someone walked up. He could see his face but in a swift movement, he grabbed the toddler Crom and covered his mouth before running off into a nearby van. 

     The next thing Crom knew, he was in a cage with two other children like him. Mythical and fantastical children of all kinds in a large warehouse, all locked in cages. He was in that cage for only a few hours before being taken out forcefully but dirty goons. He was dragged into a room and strapped down onto a table, face down. He cried for help, but none came. Instead, the goons took a cattle iron and branded the poor child with the brand of the ring he had been brought into: Parasol Seminary. After being branded and cataloged he was thrown into the cage once more to live out months of decrepit conditions. Eventually he stopped crying for help and the sounds of screams of others was his nightly lullaby. One day, he was taken out of his cage and cleaned up. He had no idea why, and no one said anything. He was led to what looked to be the back part of a stage and was chained up before being put into a large cage he could stand in. He could hear an announcer and murmurs of a crowd until the curtain rose, revealing he was indeed in front of a crowd. All of them wore masks and his bidding started at 10 grand. He was to be auctioned. The bidding went on for several minutes, the number rising and rising due to the rarity of his species. Eventually, a final bid was made to what looked to be a young couple. The curtain closed and he was taken off the stage to a holding cell. 

     It was another few hours before he was taken back out. He was led through the warehouse to what was likely the back and put in the back of a car, chains being attached to the passenger seat while also being buckled in. The couple who bought him got in the front and drove off promptly. It was silent on the way back and they drove for hours, Crom eventually falling asleep from feeling the nice comfort of the soft car seat. He awoke as the car stopped. They were in a completely different area, parked behind a semi large building with a quaint house behind it. The door opened and it was the female of his two buyers. She opened the door and when noticing Crom looked frightened, she took off her mask, revealing a kind face. She began to explain as she undid his chains. They had been researching dullahans for some time and when they stumbled upon and advertisement for a Dullahan, they felt they had to help. Of course little Crom didnt understand and just accepted his fate.

     Crom grew up with Ichabod and Bronarch Markey since. His memories of the seminary quickly faded and soon he didn't remember it at all. He was fed a lie saying that they found him on the streets when transporting a body and he grew up thinking that was the case. He began to grow into a fine young man, helping his adoptive parents with their mortuary business while also keeping the legend of Sleepy Hollow alive. While a little developmentally challenged and getting held back a few times in school, he finally was ready for college and applied to a fantastical creature focused college named Briar Rose University. There, he not only met the love of his life, but he even managed to find out who his birth parents are and rekindle a relationship with them.


Ghost Hooktip  Ghost is Crom's first and only love. They met in college and Crom instantly fell for the round ball of fluff. He loves him dearly and as a natural attachment to him. He will protect Ghost with his life if need be but hopes it never comes to that. 

Cenn Dubh  Cenn is Croms birth father. A dullahan as well, they have a strained relationship due to meeting so late. However, he still loves him all the same and forgives Cenn for losing him. Crom's a little wary of him but wants to get to know his father best he can. 

Ewen Dubh  Crom's birth mother, also a Dullahan. Much like Cenn, Crom hopes to rekindle a relationship with her best he can. He's still a bit wary but he's a little more attached to her than Cenn due to her kind nature. 

Zane Woods  Currently one of Crom's best friends. They met early on in college and hit it off well. Alongside Amee, they have quite the little chaotic trio that he doesn't want to give up. He and Zane have been through a lot together and have had their spats but he still hopes they can stay good friends.

Amee Aracnida  Crom's other best friend. Bonding over pranking, they have a really pleasant relationship and Crom loves being able to talk to someone who is a little more sensitive. However he does enjoy the snarky attitude she brings. He trusts her a lot and holds her close. 

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