moxie's Comments

may i be pinged if theyre ever ufo/ufs please?


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YESS the colors are so good
are you interested in these two by chance?

Not too interested and too large of a worth gap sorry

no worries!

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I wont take just that sorry 

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i have a sockslumies kid u can look at

Not lf any Sockflumies designs for my cks unless in my favorites, and their worth gap is too large sorry :)

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id probably consider vinci and bun

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Their sales worth combined $350 and shes worth 550 and that would make it pretty fair but ok

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Alright lmk if you change your mind

do they interest you I’m willing to add on 

Not interested srry

I could consider if you were adding other cks, money, or getting any characters in my favorites folders :)

I traded them a long time ago sorry lol 

I can trade rem! If you’re interested 

Sorry im only taking swaps (cks)