


3 years, 11 months ago


This profile is under construction/pending for an updated version! Any information listed may be incorrect/missing/outdated.

Mateo Reyes


AGE 35
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
JOB Bartender/DJ
WEIGHT 98 lbs

Mateo is very… curious. In the town they live in they're known as a loud troublemaker, who often drinks and acts wild whenever possible. Despite having a boyfriend who's rather prim and proper, Mateo is the opposite.


Alcoholic drinks
Loud sounds
Romance movies
The color magenta


Fake plants
Bossy people


Can change colors at will, patterns always stay
Chews ice frequently
Usually performs at nightclubs
Has a bunch of mason jars
An amazing painter
Shockingly strong


Mateo is a lot of things, but most of all they're charismatic and protective. They're very aggressive and narrow minded at points but most of the time Mateo is very accepting of people, though they tend to stay firm on their beliefs and points. Often times they can be bossy whenever they want somebody to do something right away, believing they know what's right… Most of the time they aren't but it's better to let them down easy. Despite their dudebro outer shell they have been shown to be more caring and compassionate to those they care about, not letting this show due to not wanting to be perceived as "soft".


Last Friday Night
Katy Perry
Take A Hint
Victorious Cast
Lone Digger
Caravan Palace
bubblegum bitch
marina and the diamonds
Sorry Not Sorry
Demi Lovato



Louise didn't know who her mother and father were. She was too young to remember them, as her father died as the result of her mother lashing out and killing him. She was arrested and Louise was taken in by her grandparents, where she was unaware of her parents statuses and raised like she was their daughter. Louise was mainly kept inside her grandparent's house, which was attached to a library. Louise was mainly home schooled by a family friend, where she often had trouble paying attention and staying still for the lessons she was taught. She was very adventurous and a handful to take care of, so she had to have many toys to keep her on task. Louise wasn't interested in getting friends at that age, as she had a large library and family to keep her company. Around that time she also tried picking up a few hobbies to fill up time when she wasn't doing school, including hunting and sewing.


In her teenage years she met a boy named Falak on an errand run. They started talking more and more since them, her finding out that he went to a public school nearby. Once they got closer he kept attempting to pressure her into going to the school, which she refused. Soon Falak began talking about a boy named Percival, who she assumed was a classmate. Falak talked about how Percival was a new friend but he didn't like how close or affectionate he was, bad mouthing him. Louise found that weird since he was okay with her hugging him and such. Falak explained he didn't like it when boys did it which only confused her more. During this period she was also noticing she wasn't interested in any boys like other girls, but she had crushes on girls frequently. She assumed she just liked girls and not boys and lived with that. One day Falak came to the library and started yelling, screaming about how Percival had a crush on him and how disgusted he was by someone liking the same sex. Louise loudly protected Percival, saying that she liked the same sex, where Falak called her disgusting and stormed out. Later that week, Falak was found dead in his home during a sleepover, shredded to pieces. Despite the falling out, the death hurt Louise. She was comforted by her grandparents during the healing period, her lessons taking a temporary halt. Soon enough she recovered enough so she went back to her home schooled classes.


As an adult, her grandparents were growing more frail and weak every year. She took up the chance to become the new owner of the library, working there alongside her grandparents. Gizmo came into the library one day and they began talking, Gizmo detailing his apprenticeship, which got her interested. She went to his home and work occasionally to see what he did exactly, really liking the sound of his job. Around this time she also found out that the idea of sex and sexual things disgusted her, thinking that she was sick for a bit because of it. She vented about it to Gizmo, who piped up that she may be asexual. He told her about it, which she believed and assumed that identity. Around this age she also met Timbre in a park, where they also became friends, her finding out that he lived in the same home that had a long line of murders behind it, including Falak's.


As if now, Gizmo, Timbre and her are still friends. She's living off the library well, her grandparents still kicking. But one day the infamous killer appears again in the home that Timbre lives in, where she forces herself to step in and help him out.