



☆ Purity in physical form. ☆

"The flowers look beautiful today, don't you think? "

Name Briar
Called Briar / Bri
Sexuality Bisexual
Favorite Gemstone Pearl
Gender Female
Height 5'4
Worst Fear Evil
Role Gardener
Demeanor Innocent & Sweet
Scary Things
The Feeling of Silk


It is unsure of who Briar's parents are, not even she knows; all she can remember is growing up and living her life in the convent. She was found on the doorstep and taken in immediately, clothed from head to toe and purified by the sisters who lived there. From a young age, Briar learned the proper prayers, the proper way to recite them and live through the teachings she was given. Her life consisted of gardening, not speaking until asked to, and praying - which she did fervently in order to please those around her. She grew up kind, nurturing and pure; just as the convent wished her to be- and it stuck with her ever since. She was taught the bad things only happened to bad people, that the sinners would be punished and not her, as long as she behaved- so, she remained on her best behavior and became the pinnacle of the true proper lady.

One year the land ran dry- the crops in the greenhouse the only plants truly struggling to survive at that point. Food was hard to come by, which meant that food had begun to be rationed out and prayer times became longer and longer in hopes to appease the gods. Briar grew more tired and hungrier each passing day, and when the storms finally arrived it brought havoc with them. A bolt of lightning hit the earth below, sparking a giant fire that ultimately reached the convent. Briar was awoken by other sisters that night, holding each other as they watched the fires ravage their home. Briar never understood why such a horrid thing had happened- after all, wasn't she well behaved? Such a traumatic experience damaged Briar completely. Everything she had known and come to believe in, was it all a lie? Massive amounts of despair had washed over her in that moment, and as the sisters watched the flames lick at the remains of the building, Briar stole away into the night, never to be seen by them again.

She had taken to the streets, knocking on doors of any house she could find until one finally opened, an older, grumpy man glaring at her from rimmed lenses. She had begged for shelter, to which the man had obliged, begging her to seek lodgings in Willowbend the next morning in hopes to assist her in starting a new life. Briar was happy to accept any information she could get and vowed to herself to continue the teachings the sisters taught her. Briar lives peacefully now on the outskirts of Willowbend, enjoying the simplicity and beauty of living somewhat off the grid. She still lives by her teachings, though she prays quite rarely due to the shock and destructions the fires had on her faith. She still however tried to remain as closed off as possible, not wanting to fall into the hands of the evils of the world- however, she is beginning to realize just how much she is truly limiting herself.




Briar's tendency to avoid scary situations makes her a major target for manipulation.

Briar is very naïve by choice.

Briar has a huge inability to defend herself.

Briar's generosity extends to the far reaches of the valley, as she tends to donate a lot of the vegetables she grows.

Her simplicity is both admired and pitied by her peers.





Arcana and Briar met in Aurelia one day, when Briar went out to buy more sugar. She ended up being a bit short on change, and Arcana had stepped in to assist. The two had hit it off since then, though she keeps him at a safe distance due to his gifts. She finds it to be quite scary and asks that he not attempt to connect with the other side while she is around.




Azella and Briar will get together when the former has any questions regarding horticulture or religious texts. Though no one seems to know anything about Briar, other than she is a bit of an airhead, she seems to know a lot about scripture than she lets on. The two will sit together on her porch and drink lemonade as Azella works.



Best Friend

Lexie and Briar are an odd pair- one being very materialistic and sassy, while the other is the pure and innocent. However, the two get along quite well; Lexie will prattle on about the newest clothing lines and the cute boy or girl she saw that day, while Briar listens on, working in the garden and humming in reply every once in a while. Lexie is always the first to protect Briar when danger presents itself.