× Větvička



3 years, 10 months ago


One campaign ended, second campaign never started.

Race: half elf
Class: bard

Větvička is actually Yasil by his birth name but he prefers the nickname. 

He was born on Old continent by elven woman from rape by human guy. From the day he opened his eyes to the sun and green forests, he hated his father. He lived with his mother till his 12 years, then she died. She was always caring for animals, always trying to safe the life and one day she got bitten by fox, who carried rabies. Větvička was sad but then decided to take revenge on his father.
He always had talent for music so he went to the nearest city, playing on whistle in the streets. It appeared he wasn't so good in music after all and soon he had to become a prostitute to survive. He was also stealing and when he talks about his childhood, he don't often mention the prostitute part. He learned to play on lute, learned some basic magic and when he had enough money to travel, he travelled to New continent. He knew that's where his father lives. (He got that information from one wizard, he was sleeping with.) In Kethenecia, the main city of New continent, he was kinda stalking his father. He knew he was going to the brothel once in a week and he decided to pay for his death. Soon he found very weird group of adventurers and he thought it's good idea. He promised them money, which he didn't have. And that's the story how he joined the group and became one of adventurers!
The group was going with him to the Tuca Wuscar's (how the father was called) house. There was no evidence of Tuca being evil people-killing maniac, how Větvička described him. Tuca came home and met half orc Yoruba and human warrior, Jean Pierre, who was just running away. There was three other people in house. Větvička who was invisible, hobbit druid Tyri changed into cat and elven ranger Hejty hidden upstairs. Tuca, confused and kinda tired from this sh*t, sat with Yoruba and drink whiskey with him. He told him the story of his life - how he was forced to raping elven woman, then he was feeling so bad he left the place and started new life on New continent as a merchant with steel. He put great amount of money to orphanage and really tried to make up for the bad stuff he did. He didn't know he had a son though. Větvička, hearing this, started to sob and cry.
After the mess was cleaned (all adventures seen and "hey dad, i was here to kill you" speech), Tuca hugged his son and Větvička lost his only purpose, which was revenge. He didn't really know what to do so he joined the group. They told him something about killing god in another dimension which was their main quest and he thought it sounds like fun.

Soon after he joined they found out it's hard to keep Větvička feed. He ate almost half of a horse all by myself and wanted to eat almost everything he saw including human baby. 

Also he is kinda scared on tuesdays because his mother always told him a story about gigantic eagle kiddnaping people and bad behaving kids. (It was because in tuesdays his mother was going to near village for food and she needed her son to stay home and not get lost in forest. Větvička doesen't know till this day and still fear the big eagle.)

Eventualy they got the thing they needed in weird magic tower - the group was travelling around because they needed seven artefacts - and went to temple in Kisi Xanaxi, where friend of Yoruba, Jean-Pierre and Tyri was living and trying to help with god killing. He gave them enough food but there was something weird as he spoke about Diofulus, the evil god. Somehow he thought the god was actually good and deserves another chance and some other too much positive bullshit.
Turned out he was influenced by that guy and when they tried to negotiate, Diofulus tried to kill them right away. Eventually they won - Diofulus was killed by flame strike, while he was invisible. 

The party saved the world and went to deserts to find dinosaurs. They didn't found anything but problems in the group. When they came to the Old Continent, he left them and started living on his own.