


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Amvir
Nickname Ammy; Vir
Species Tiefling
Gender M
Pronoun He/Him
Orientation Pansexual

Age 23
Birthday Nov. 5th
Height Info
Weight Info

Class Rogue / Bard
Alignment Chaotic Good
Enneagram 8w7

Status Info
Worth Info

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet


  • Alchemy
  • Astronomy
  • Learning new things
  • Attention
  • Being an absolute nuisance


  • The rich
  • Pseudosciences
  • Commitment
  • Tight clothing
  • Panflute


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Lifelong Companion

A bruiser dragonborne that had taken a commission with Amvir as his partner. Although their relationship was rocky from the start, with time the two became inseparatable friends for life. They don't neccessarily see themselves as being romantic, but they would absolutely die for the other if neccessary. Amvir admires Nuri's strength and his devotion to his beliefs. He absolutely loves bothering Nuri, but he apologizes by feeding him and giving him pats.

Father Figure

A wise spellcaster who led the Robin Hood-like gang in Amvir's birth city. A while after Amvir's father's death, Crow raised Amvir as a sort of replacement father figure. They were a bit awkward with each other at first, but Crow taught him many things that eventually led Crow to wanting Amvir to inherit the title as the gang's leader. Members of their gang often described them as inseparable. After a massive arresting and execution of criminals in the city, the two split and never kept contact since then. After a year, Amvir decides to venture and find Crow again, leading to his meeting with Nuri.


Amvir's younger sister whom he loves dearly. She enjoys sharing the small tunes she creates on their father's lute to him. Due to their age gap, Amvir often treats Amara as a naive child even though she knows more than what meets the eye. After learning about his involvement in Crow's gang and the mass execution of criminals in the city, Amara begs Amvir to stop his thievery for his own safety. This reaction causes Amvir to cut ties with Crow and leave the city with his family.

Daughter Figure

A quiet, doll-like girl who has a high affinity for magic. After stumbling upon her stranded in the harsh winter, Amvir takes her in and eventually grows attached to her due to his own experiences with Crow. Although her stoic expression leave her hard to read to most, Amvir understands her general feelings and tries his best to give her support. He hopes she can become the next king for Aistael.