ARE THESE STILL OPEN and are you comfortable doing bones like for this fella?

sorry I forgot to change this to closed~
but i will be reopening it once finals are over if you'd like to be on the ping list!

OKAY!!! Β and yes please ping me :>Β 

you've been added to the ping-list!

Omg id love one of these of my boye Cheescake -- if possible I'd like the inside to be strawberry cheese like this? Id prefer it to be layered, so the bottom layer can be the cut strawberrys, and then the rest pink/white cheesecake layers -- I just really love the strawberry details tbh! I would love it if you could add in some drippy strawberry syrup too πŸ“πŸ’– im willing to pay extra for the details if necessary! πŸ˜­πŸ’–

Ohh a cutie! sure I can do that, what cut do you want I'm guessing the first one but I want to make sure~

From the bottom row, the one in the middle if thats okay? ;w ;Β 

alrighty, send the funds here and I can get started.

Just sent! Tysm πŸŒˆπŸ’–

got it! I'll get it started then

4 Replies

would you accept characters/writing?

Sorry but no, I'm only taking cash payment for these.