Farrin Anabb (Farrin's Equipment)



L-OSB Exo-Environmental Armoured Suit
The suit is bulky to help workers survive during their work, old ships can have a lot of different hazards. The usage of armour on these suits is considerably heavier then what most military forces will use for body armour. However, this comes at the cost of weight, and as such, speed. Though this is hardly an issue as most of the time, L-OSB Workers will be in Zero-G Environments, and need to take their time.

These suits are also equipped with a number of utility items, such as magnetic boots, oxygen recycling, tracking tools and a number of sensory devices to ensure that the working is as safe as humanly possible....

E-AMC MkIV, or 'Exo-Atmospheric Material Cutter Mark Four'
This bulky tool is a common item to find on space rigs, frequently used to strip and scrap all manners of ships. Be it Industrial, Military, or Civilian.

A number of improvements have been made from the Mark 3, including more precise concentrated aiming, better rotational control for wide-berth options, better energy management, and the reintroduction of the Mark 2's popular 'Adjustable Grip' functionality. Furthermore, to help move pieces of ship or important items, most E-AMC have been equipped with tether systems. However, these are completely inoperable while in an atmosphere. 

Continuing, due to the nature of it's work environment, the E-AMC series is frequently and considerably heavy when in standard levels of gravity. Alongside this, a specified scanner built into the gun can detect if the targeted area has anything biological, and will not fire unless the trigger is held down for roughly five seconds. This is to reduce accidental misfires and potential loss of life

'Stachyva Vertistomus' - Laverna Ltd. Picker-Class Vessel
One of many makes of scrapping vessels, the Picker-Class of Space-Scrappers/Salvagers from Laverna Ltd. is one of a notable sub-class that focuses on long-lasting small-group salvaging operations, while also carrying advanced systems for in-mission sorting of materials and products found for later processing.

External / Performance Notes
-Currently owned by Farrin Anabb.
-A large number of hanger doors equipped with Atmospheric shielding are attached to the left side of the ship only, the size allowing for easy depositing of material.
-While rarely needing use, the vessel is a equipped with an deployment array of roughly 36 specialised towing drones. These allow the targeted ship to be safely moved away from possible hazards or causing disruptions in travel routes.
--Electro-Disruption Cannon (x1) | Used to eliminate remaining electrical systems of vessels, such as shields, thrusters, and life support systems. Rarely used unless necessary and requires manual loading of energy cells.
--Mk 56. Cutting Laser Turrets (x2) | A set of eight adjustable focusing barrels, the Mk 56. Cutting Laser is a power laser system. Able to cut through most ship-grade materials in extremely careful increments and with precise patterns for perfect slices, assisting with collection. Practically useless against shields above those found on civilian-grade shuttles. Energy costs for this class of vessel means sparing use against material not typically breachable by conventional cutters.
--Quad-20mm Personal Defence Turrets (x3) | Attached to the nose, dorsal, ventral, rear and the right mid-section. These turrets are not used unless absolutely necessary, such as during an assault. Automated aiming, tracking and firing are vital when the crew is caught while working.

Working Areas
-External Management | Typically used to manage crew members outside of the ship, as well as the various bits of equipment and tools used for the jobs.
-Equipment Storage | Carries all the tools and gear the ship's Cutters require.
-Cargo Storage | The largest single room within the ship, this area uses an atmospheric shield to keep air inside the ship regardless of how much scrap goes through.

Living Quarters
-Kitchen and living room | Moderately standard for this class of ship, Farrin has made some minor adjustments for his personal requirements, such as adding different kinds of furniture and methods of making food.
-Crew Quarters (x3) | These rooms are important for crew relaxation. Farrin has currently taken over the Captain's Quarters, with the other rooms being used for personal storage when required.
-Crew Storage | One of the larger sections dedicated for the crew themselves, this section usually carries Seven months worth of food, water, and other necessities for a full crew. But with Farren's solitude employment, supplies can be stretched out as far as five and a quarter standard years.