【 ✦ hongji ✦ 】



3 years, 11 months ago



  • drinking + smoking
  • being alone
  • his camera
  • his motorcycle
  • knives
  • fightin in the streets + dojang
  • dancing ?
  • his mom + younger twin sisters
  • night time


  • feeling guilty
  • being seen as easy target
  • pudding
  • hot weather
  • one night stands showing up again
  • attachment
  • hangovers
  • his dad
  • being tied down


  • Hongji was a small, frail child. He got bullied by his peers. He often clung to his mom because he found his dad scary. His younger sisters were more steadfast and often looked out for him, and they continue to do so even now
  • He and his dad have a rocky relationship. His dad wants Hongji to take on the responsibility of being a military official much like himself, however Hongji has other plans for himself
  • He finds a happy high while taking pictures of nature. Often rides his motorcycle out to remote places to take photoshoots
  • He's surprisingly flexible. When he was younger he followed the ballets his mom had on TV and it just stuck. He uses his flexibility to his advantage during fights and matches
  • His relationship with his mom is tight-knit. Though on opposite sides of the world, they make time to talk to one another. His mother supports his dreams in photography. He has mad respect for her. He channels the Japanese half with his tattoos, camera, and motorcycle because of her
  • He sleeps nude
  • He's skilled at breaking loose from bondage
  • He's low-key glucose guardian material


𝕡𝕠𝕤. 【 ✦ alert ✦ energetic ✦ observant ✦ percise ✦ stoic ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕦. 【 ✦ blunt ✦ confidential ✦ experimental ✦ noncommital ✦ physical ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕘. 【 ✦ aggressive ✦ erratic ✦ indulgent ✦ narcissistic ✦ unstable ✦ 】

" ✦ are you flirting or starting a fight? ✦ "


Hongji is two people in one. On a normal day he's distant, stoic, and blunt. He doesn't actively talk to people, resulting in awkward interactions when he does. He's much more fluid with the way he talks when he has alcohol or some other substance in him. He doesn't show his emotions easily, save for his rage. Even then it's only in small amounts during street fights. When he's alone on the streets, he's cool and collected, often watching the people around him suspiciously. He gets involved in the wrong crowds to vent his frustrations. He loves fights. It's exhilarating and the rush he feels is insurmountable, the close second is when he's taking nature photography. When he's out with his street fighting buddies, he's often physical and aggressive. His erratic and unstable behavior lands him in heaps of trouble. He provokes people on purpose sometimes, other times he doesn't know what he did. It doesn't matter, a fight is a fight. Due to his flexibility, he's learned how to use it to his advantage. He's precise and energetic with his stikes.

Hongji's high alcohol tolerance allows him to drink without remorse. With each alcoholic drink consumed, his player personality shines. His physical side turns playful and flirtatous, scoring him one night stands. He chases momentary highs. He can't be bothered to keep someone around. Commitment was never his game. He indulges in flings and fights. He has no doubt that he can win a score in either.

When Hongji has his camera, he's a whole different person. He's alert and observant. He's quiet, his focus is entirely on his surroundings. He looks for nature reserves to take photos. These photos capture moments for him. Fighting gives him a high while nature gives him a relief. He takes photos when he's extremely overwhelmed. He always thinks about his mom. Nature is a healing place for him. Besides, he knows if he fights in that mental state he won't be able to concentrate. He'll get beaten up for sure.

Hongji is a very confidential person. Due to his dad being a military official, he's learned to keep things hidden and secret. He's good at controlling the emotions he shows on his face, at least, when he's around other people. His emotions won't show through unless he's at a breaking point. He doesn't let himself get to that point though, if it happens he'll play off his emotions as a joke. His believes his actions will save him from being the laughing stock of the century.



Kim Hongji was born to a popular Japanese Canadian actress Yuma Kawasaki and a decorated South Korean military official Kim Donghyun. At the time they were living in Toronto, Canada. When the two tried for a second child, they got twin girls as a happy surprise. After the two were born, Donghyun decided to move the family to South Korea where he could answer calls of duty easier. Hongji was subjected to bullying from the upperclass peers. His sisters would defend him, but they weren't always with him. When he got home with cuts and bruises, Donghyun would give him an earful for not standing up from himself. Hongji started to resent his dad for this. Yuma consoled him by taking him out on walks in parks and explained how nature will always be a place he can heal during hardships. This is where his interest for nature photography sparked. As hongji reached the age of seven, his dad enrolled him into taekwondo lessons. It took him a while to get the hang of it, but he worked hard to please his dad.


When Hongji was ten years old, Yuma left to film in America for the first time. Hongji was in disarray. He started throwing himself into dangerous situations. He stood up to bullies and threatened to start fights. He's got three years of taekwondo experience up his sleeve, what could go wrong? As years passed, he felt a new high in street fighting. He picked up photography during freshman year of high school; only choosing a random activity to kill time but ended up being passionate about it. He started picking up on bad habits from his street fighting buddies like drugs and alcohol. Along with everything, he started having flings with people that seemed interesting for one night. He didn't have the best grades, but he prided himself in his fighting skills so he didn't care.


Hongji's skills at taekwondo did not go unnoticed by his dad. Donghyun wanted him to further his skills, having wishful thinking that better training will convince Hongji to go into the military officially. Hongji went along with it. He didn't think he had more to learn and he got to fight even more. He was already competing in national events for taekwondo with his sisters. He continued his delinquint behavior into college, but quickly learned to mellow down after an incident that spiraled beyond his control. After that, he stuck to fighting in the streets or in secluded areas away from campus. As much as he lives and breathes fighting, he doesn't want to hurt innocent people.





dark brown


inverted triangle ✦ mesomorph ✦ thick thighs save lives

  • Hongji's mom is an actress currently filming in America
  • His dad is a decorated military official
  • His dad has two houses; a family home in Seongbuk-gu, and vacation home in Jeolla-do
  • He has his own condo located in Itaewon. He uses the condo for developing his own photos and one night stands
  • He's standoff-ish in public outtings, but once he's got alcohol or party drugs in his system he's flipped a switch
  • He owns and rides a Matte Raven Black Yamaha MT-10. Can be seen racing down the street with it
  • Easily irritated and it shows on his face. Hongji has a constant RBF
  • He was dubbed Walnut after a street fight he won against one of the biggest competitors in the area. He was seen as someone with a tough shell and hard to crack because he didn't give up fighting
  • Hongji's sisters, though three years younger, are as intimidating as his dad. It's amplified by them being twins
  • His mom did not adapt his father's surname as she was already an established actress
  • Since Hongji was named after his grandfather, the twins were named after Yuma's grandmothers; Chizuru and Makiko
  • His family household has two animals; a Russian Blue and a Bichon Frise
  • Since Seungri does not allow large tattoos to be visible, he usually wraps his righ arm with cloth or elastic bandages

" ✦ i'm in it for the rush ✦ "

For right now, Hongji just wants to survive. Despite their relationship, he hopes to make his dad proud one way or another. He hopes to surround himself with people that he can love freely and vise versa. He isn't ready to give up his fickle lifestyle just yet, which is a huge detriment to his dreams. Old habits die hard. Right now he doesn't have what it takes to kill those habits.

In the distant future, he hopes of openeing up a photography firm and eventually retire to a place that is surrounded by nature. He wants it all, mountains, forest, ocean, fields.


" ✦ hmm ✦ "

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