Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

When trading do not put text as: "I wouldn't trade them as I designed them/tent on", "got them recently", "I won't give this freebie because.." I trully ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ care and WON'T read all that. Just decline, don't waste our time, and if they are a freebie transferred alredy just cancel the transfer and that's it. Not that difficult, is it? Cuando intercambies, no ponga texto como: "No los cambiaría tal como los diseñé/la tienda", "Los compré recientemente", "No daré este obsequio porque..." Realmente no me importa y no leeré todo eso. Simplemente declina, no nos haga perder el tiempo, y si es un obsequio ya transferido simplemente cancele la transferencia y listo. No es tan difícil, ¿verdad? 

Do ɴᴏᴛ interact with me if is not for oc's business, favoriting oc's, claiming design credits and etc./ NO interactúen conmigo si no son por asuntos de oc's: marcar ocs como favorito, reclamar créditos de diseños... etc.

Avoid at all cost private messaging me.

(I swear I don't know where the hell put the text above.-/Juro que no sé donde diablos poner el texto de arriba.-)

don't do pings whenever a characters goes up for sale, so ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ask.

This user's characters, art, stories, and other personal creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with the appropriate legal action.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!