Johanna Hart



3 years, 11 months ago


Johanna Hart
feminine. beautiful. geeky.
Name Johanna Hart
Nickname Jo
Age 18
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Major Journalism
Sexuality Lesbian
Theme Info
Birthday October 2nd
    Johanna is the brawn of the trio—and the brains, and the face— she's pretty much everything that JaeWon is not. Her only weakness is that she can't actually see ghosts; not even Ari.

Johanna is pretty, stylish, and successful. She gets brilliant grades and is known and well liked by many of her classmates. She draws people's eyes and loyalty like a light in a dark room. She's like the Fred/Daphne of the trio.

Johanna has a side she keeps semi-secret: she's a total supernatural geek. Most of her weekday clothing gives off a sense of style and poise, but she has an entire other wardrobe of fun, ghost-, cryptid-, or alien-themed clothing that she flaunts when the trio is ghost hunting. Additionally, her room at home is full of similar artifacts. She has a desk lamp shaped like a UFO and often wears bright green alien earrings 👽. Johanna actually owned quite a bit of ghost-hunting tools previous to meeting JaeWon, and enthusiastically expands her collection upon the beginning of their adventures together.

Jae regards her popularity with a mix of appreciation and resentment. Johanna's most relevant flaw is that she's not a great listener, especially to someone like Jae who says little that she doesn't mean. In fact, at the climax of the story, Johanna's tendency to gloss over details that Jae finds important leads to a major conflict between them.